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Layla by Tim Curtin & Friends

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1Layla by Tim Curtin & Friends Empty Layla by Tim Curtin & Friends Thu May 13, 2010 12:25 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

this is from 4-29-10 at Paddy Doherty's in the Bronx. It's in a small file so it will download fairly quickly. this is the slow version of Layla as performed by eric Clapton.

this turned into a trading platform for Tim and Mark Hitt. I loved it ! Again I should say to those who might be viewing these for the first time : these are one-offs. We are not a band . this is a revolving cast of musicians that get together every two weeks or so to play. We get paid , but we're there to have fun and play with other players. I will post some other clips, now that I can do them smaller, showing some of the other folks who are involved. Some of the players are from other bands, and some have not played in years but were great in their time !


Peace, TED


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