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Billy's Substitute WTJ Forum

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Welcome, All!!

D. Slam
Ted E. Bear
Admin (Pete)
12 posters

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1Welcome, All!! Empty Welcome, All!! Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:52 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Welcome, All!! Billycobham67

Remember the days of BC's WTJ and posting
about him, his music, jazz, drums and music
and everything? Well, I hope to bring it back!

Tell everyone about it and please greet us,
here, in this thread! I do not have most of
the e-mail addresses, so I will need help in
contacting everyone.


PS: I will be the sole moderator of this forum.

PSS: I e-mailed Boomer about it and await his
blessing/non-blessing. What he says, goes.

PSSS: I will be reviewing the set-up, learning
about how to run the forum, techinically, as
time goes by and may be making changes, as
I see fit so please do not take offense, if it
looks different from one day to the next. It
is a steep learning curve for me.

Last edited by on Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:55 am; edited 5 times in total


2Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:25 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

It's been a while since I posted, so
to bring you up to date, we are all
fine. What a year it's been, though.

The fires in San Diego and health
scares for my nephew and my father
brought a sober tone to the Holiday
but all was good.

The death of my aunt was sad but
she lived a full life.

Judy and the kids are fine and we
have had a great time together, this
Holiday and look forward to the year.

I hope you are all well and look for-
ward to catching up with you, here.



3Welcome, All!! Empty Thanks! Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:24 am



Glad to see things on the move Pete!

Thanks for the notice too!

Here's hoping the momentum picks up here as well as at Boomer's official site. Great job!



http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

4Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:48 am

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Hey, Suss and welcome. Let's see what
happens with this. I miss you guys and
would like to see us get back together,
again, catching up on things.

I am hoping to see Woofus, here, soon,
along with D-Slam. Again, if you have
other contacts, I would appreciate it
if you could let them know about the
makeshift-substitute forum.

Hoping things are moving along for you,
as well, my dear friend!

Very Happy



5Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:59 am



Admin (Pete) wrote:Hey, Suss and welcome. Let's see what
...I would appreciate it
if you could let them know about the
makeshift-substitute forum.
Very Happy

You got it Pete.

I'll send out an email to those whose addresses I have.

... Certainly can't hurt anything, anyway.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

6Welcome, All!! Empty Thanks Pete and John Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:10 pm



Thanks Pete
and thank you John for letting me know.


7Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:14 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Great, Colin!! Great to see you, again
and glad to have you, here!

I understand that Boomer may be
bringing back the Forums on his site
and when that happens, there will
be no need for this but until then
and if anything, again, happens, at
least, we know that there is an
alternative for us.

Wishing you the very best!



8Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:30 pm



Very Happy

Sure thing Colin...

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

9Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:36 pm



Admin (Pete) wrote:Great, Colin!! Great to see you, again
and glad to have you, here!

I understand that Boomer may be
bringing back the Forums on his site
and when that happens, there will
be no need for this but until then
and if anything, again, happens, at
least, we know that there is an
alternative for us.

Wishing you the very best!


I hope you keep this site, though
in case the same problems happens etc.
The Secret
back up site.



10Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:51 pm



what a great thing of you to do, Pete and thanks so much for letting me know and inviting me, Suss!
That's a good thing to have another forum to fall back on, if those stupid people would again crash the official side.

Let's get started again! Hope u're all well!



11Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:49 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Hey brother, Pete... This is way cool! I'm glad you and Billy worked this out. I must admit with your busy schedule in the past, I'm surprised you were able to find the time for this. But I definately think it's a good thing. Billy actually discussed this with me, but like you said, Billy's dicisions are the laws here. I'm just grateful to have the forum back... It shows these hackers that you cannot keep a good man and a good thing down. Congratualations, Pete, I know you will do an excellent job. It's gonna be so great hearing from the family again. And I want to let you and Billy know that my offer still stands should you guys need any extra help.



12Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:58 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

I just realized that this is something you started on your own, Pete... If Billy's diggin it, It's all good.

13Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:38 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

That's right, Don. I was not privy to
any talks with Billy about the site etc.
I just thought it was not coming back
and so came up with the idea of re-
uniting the old group, here.

I think it's great that he's thinking of
putting it all back together again. I
hope it works out and that people
will just respect him enough to leave
the site's forums alone.

Let's see what he says. Like Colin
said, it might not be a bad back-up.

Great seeing you, again, btw.


It's great seeing you, too!! You are
always a treat to have around. I am
looking forward to seeing and hearing
more from you in the future.

Very Happy


14Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:16 pm

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Good to be back and thank you for letting me know about it.

Great photo of Billy, Pete!

Actually tonight I just came from a meeting, not far from Munich (just 20 Km) with some of the guys of another forum, it was great and I really enjoyed too.

Warmest regards to all!

Welcome, All!! JasonTrioSmall2-1

Last edited by on Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:25 am; edited 2 times in total


15Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:21 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

Hey Guys, I'm Here ! thanks Pete for doing this. I had looked into it on my site, but it doesn't support forums right now. Peace, TED lol!


16Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:01 am

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Great seeing you guys (Alex and Ted)!!

The plain truth is that I missed you and
wanted to get together, again.

Whatever happens, at least, we know
we will be together.

Very Happy


17Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:43 am



hi everybody! it's good to be back :-)

18Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:48 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Great, Igor and welcome back!


19Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:19 pm


Way to go in getting this started again, Pete!

Whatever happened was bad news . . . but right now it's spilt milk. Best to just move on past it and give it no effort (like water off a duck's back).

Can't wait until Billy's site is back up and thriving! (And it will be I'm sure.)

Best always!

20Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:43 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Great, seeing you, again, FunkyIke!

You have always been an asset to the site!


21Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:45 am

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Heard from Billy, today and he thinks
it is fine, for all of us to be here.

Just the heads-up for you.

Thanks, Billy and we miss you!


22Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:53 am



That's great news Pete!

I've noticed a few others have registered as well.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

23Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:20 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Admin (Pete) wrote:Heard from Billy, today and he thinks
it is fine, for all of us to be here.

Just the heads-up for you.

Thanks, Billy and we miss you!

Cool, I was waiting to see if this board had Billy's blessing before participating. I wasn't quite sure how he would react to the "We're talking jazz" heading being used... But like I said earlier, if Billy's ok with it, then it's all good with me... cheers

24Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:22 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

I see it as a back-up and a
venue for reuniting. All good
but I wanted Billy's blessing.



25Welcome, All!! Empty Re: Welcome, All!! Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:57 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Admin (Pete) wrote:I see it as a back-up and a
venue for reuniting. All good
but I wanted Billy's blessing.


I hear ya Pete. I think it's a cool situation. Even more so with Billy's blessing afro

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