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Suss' Soundscapes

D. Slam
Ted E. Bear
Harris K.
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1Suss' Soundscapes Empty Suss' Soundscapes Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:58 pm



My personal thanks go out to Pete Corona for putting this up after our conversations by phone.

If the term 'covers' appears, then tracks were provided to me for overdub w/acoustic drums.
If the term 'covers' does not appear, then those are just a few of the commercial label releases (or custom projects) that I performed on and felt free enough to upload... at least “free” meaning I’m the drummer without infringing anyone’s copyright for sale.
Then, there is a third category: namely ‘stuff’ that has yet to be released after being recorded in a state of the art studio with artist/players. You be the judge, while I hope you enjoy what is offered here in the mix.

Billy Cobham 's "Conundrum 2002(Warner Bros.)" covers:
Torpedo Flow
Red Baron
On The Move
... now this is the tune in my book. I've been to the Caribbean and the Bahamas so many times I can't even tell you. Yet somehow I've never been to Eleuthera. I hope in Billy Cobham 's experience, I've captured this tune for him, rather than others who are listening here on face value only.
…written by Billy Cobham , yours truly is behind the kit. I make use of a double paradiddle when percussively expressing that rudiment’s combinations.

Ashford & Simpson: (various releases)
Nick and Valerie are special to me. Why? ... simply because though I never attended a music school/university (per se), they embraced my creativity at that time along with theirs. Nuff said. The basic rythmn section at Sigma Sound (NYC) was Nick Ashford (pilot vocal), Valerie Simpson (ac.pno), Ray Chew (e.pno), Eric Gale (guitar), Francisco Centano (b.guitar) & J.Sussewell (drums). All other colors & production values were added after the basic tracks were laid w/charts, inlcuding Ralph MacDonald on percussion, Ray Simpson & Yolanda McCullough on BGV's and of course, the Strings, Brass & Woodwinds where heard. My favorite in out of all of my favorites with Nick & Val is Bourgie Bourgie since I had to craft this song from a chart after hearing Valerie play it on the piano and reading down through the chart. The groove came naturally to me somehow and I played it in a combination of open and closed handed. Oh, BTW, those are Remo Roto-Toms on the accents and tom colors. I guess my point is that "it's not how the music comes to us, but how we come to the music." [Wynton Marsalis]

Ben Tankard: (Keys To Life)
Ben Tankard and I (though both from the U.S.A) met in London , England while playing on the same show for a local congregation there back in '91. Upon returning to the States, he called me to overdub these drum parts on his release that was nominated for the GMA's Dove Award.

Candi Staton (-Sussewell): (various releases)
http://www.johnsussewell.com/HighwayToHeaven.mp3 ... Our "Pete" particularly likes this tune because of the double bass sound and half-time treatment of the ubiquitous "shuffle." I only used one bass drum pedal for the foot while driving with the left hand on the snare and accenting open handed with other colors. One of those colors is the delicate use of the high-hat. Treat this instrument like you would the most prized possession on your kit, because it does so many things (which is why I've never doubled bassed yet). In this particular song, I was plugged into what the basic rhythm section was doing live back in '85 under Candi Staton's vocals... it was our responsibility (and mine as a producer) to make sure every note was the right note, regardless of what instrument was being played. From a drummer's perspective (and not that of a producer), I wanted to lock into Candi's lyrics of this standard church tune. All of the R.Section was in Atlanta at one time ( Norbert Sloley on bass, Randy Harper on piano, Phil Hamilton on guitar and yours truly on drums, while Candi did her master vocal after her pilot vocal.)

Dave Weckl covers:
I’ve never met Dave Weckl, though very familiar with his music. When hearing what was offered as play-alongs, I just had to put my hand to it with my own personality.

Donny Hathaway:
These tracks were recorded LIVE at Carnegie Hall in 1973 w/me on the drums. Sadly, Rhino/Warner failed to accurately reflect my participation in these performances. They've been notified and acknowledged the error. I miss Donny, but expect to see him again... Go Figure! As for the corporate concerns, they move too slow and get in the way when the flow of royalties are concerned… As for Donny? … he is merely asleep for now. I expect to see him again since my personal experience with him revealed much more about his dreams and desires than the frustrations and pressures he somehow succumbed to – or any of us still with skin are going through now.

Eumir Deodato: (just a few selected tracks off of the Knights of Fantasy release)

Diana Ross: (just a few selected tracks off of "The Boss" release)

Eddie Palmeiri covers: (by way of a great man and friend of mine: Our Admin!)
This ("Palmas") was the first tune among the latin/culture mix that a dear friend sent me back in 2003. I was always hungry for latin music, only having played it while still wanting more in public performances. I played this tune like I grew up in the neighborhood! Thanks Corona - you are my Ambassador of Kwan and the halo during any eclispe! Simply said, everyone should have among their friends such as you!

Garrett Morris (comedic actor)

Guild of Sound (along w/other notable musicians - recorded live January 16, 2005):
Geoff McBride (lead vocals); Mark Copeland (guitar); Steve Freeman (guitar); David Scott (keyboards); Rudy Brannon (sax); Don Klayman (bass guitar); John Sussewell (drums)

My Work In Progress (by John Sussewell (aka Suss!)):
Up front and personal? Well, I’m a frustrated keyboard player without excuse. Yet like riding a bicycle, you never forget how to keep your balance on those wheels once learned. This tune has the pulse and tension that I've played to often on the keyboards as well as on the drums...
This is slower w/me on the organ
Just a drum demo on the clave

Most recently (for those interested), I’m writing a book geared for those who are discerning in life and not just musically speaking. Among the tunes that I have composed, here is my reconciliation to myself and others with a greater Judge than any of Us; written over ten years ago with chords, but only refined with fire in the last six months – it is kind of a “merger” (amalgamation) of the many approaches in life (versus "the logos and the rhema" or “life and death.”). What would this reality appear like if there were only black and white??? You be the judge. And don't leave out the hues.

This tune has more to do with global considerations than it does to broken marriages or relationships. I see it as a cry for equity among us ALL still living.

Kokomo (London Live in Leiceister Square/Piccadilly!, 1976):
In 1975-76, KOKOMO consisted of:
Tony O'Malley (keyboards, vocals) - http://www.tonyomalley.com
Alan Spenner (bass, vocals - deceased)
Jim Mullens (sp?)... guitar, who quit the group shortly after the Stateside tour with me on board
Neil Hubbard (guitar)
Mel Collins (woodwinds - w/many EC artists back then, but out of the UK )
Frank Collins, Dyan Birch and Pad.McHugh (lead and BGVs)
John Sussewell (drums, after the departure of Terry Stanard during the Stateside tour in '75. Alan Gorie of the Average White Band referred me to this band during their stellar cover hit of Bobby Womack's tune "I Can Understand It.". I can remember that I was getting stale in the New York scene and needed another vista at that time. None of us are “stale” when being “proactive.” AWB & Kokomo was a refreshing for me back then, yet imperfection pollutes our progress. So stop making excuses and be accountable. Otherwise there is no balance to be stricken.

Latin Connection covers:

Mega (a/k/a "Megadiddle):

Michael Tomlinson : http://www.michaeltomlinson.com...
I’ve never met you Michael, but your music moves me simply by the lyrics alone. The sonorous progressions even make more sense with a unit/team involved.

Milton Academy ( Milton , MA - 30th Anniv. Of Milton 's Jazz Program - 2003 - 18 of my graduating class matriculated into the freshman class at Harvard University/Cambridge, MA (1967-1971):
My gratitude, prayers and respect go to the students, faculty and Board of Directors in these times of change - in that order. Unless you know me personally, there is no way for me to explain what Milton Academy meant to me both then and now. Believe me... it's all positive.

Nancy Stone:

Neil Loughran ("Spin"):
Neil ("Spin") and I hooked up via Billy Cobham ’s website and collaborated on a number of tunes noted above. Regrettably, time and circumstances change for everyone and the following tune is what I still hope to provide my input on via acoustic drums. Neil wrote this and sent it to me for the very same. Hopefully the sensitivity of this will reflect my motivation to record it:

Steve Winwood: (@ Chipping Norton Studios/ UK , '76!)

Oliver Scott (formerly of the Gap Band):

Cheers & Love Guys!

I mean that very prayerfully & seriously.

And Keep It Real for whomever you meet down the road.

Last edited by Suss on Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

2Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:23 pm



You should be really proud of that Stevie Winwood track . . . that alone will get you work with the very best . . . again! In fact, Kyle and I have been discussing hiring you for our next project. We're building our own recording studio now . . . in the tree!!!! I love you


3Suss' Soundscapes Empty Man ! Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:34 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

Cuz, you've set the bar pretty high with what you've put up. The rest of us will just have to do the best we can ! Peace, TED


4Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:29 pm



Funny thing about "bars" Ted... you either go to them for a good time out, or seek to jump them moving forward. LOL! I'm of the latter mostly though pretty busy either way!

And Woofman! I'm coming to Lake Worth and choppin' that tree down! Heck, if that's where your studio is goin' to be with Kyle, then take the trunk and make a canoe out of it. I can swim! LOL!

Love you guys!

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

5Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:11 am



Suss, it's always great to hear you play.....so much of so much of the right feeling....! I will never forget the goose bumps I had while listening to Donny Hathaway's "Someday we'll be free" for the first time.
Hope you are well,


6Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:45 pm

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Great "body of work", actually overwelming!

Best regards,


7Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:23 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

True, Alex.

It's amazing, what Suss has done.

It's the simple stuff that he does
that I like the most.

Living Inside Me is a perfect example.
It's a perfect ballad, held back and
just perfectly.

He has killer pocket.

He is the mang!!



To the father of us, all - Billy Cobham!

8Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:43 pm

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Admin (Pete) wrote:

Living Inside Me is a perfect example...

Yes, great playing from Suss, and the other musicians plus C. Stanton voice, very nice arrangement too.

Best regards!


9Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:23 am



Hi Guys... thanks a lot for your comments. I still regard some of these tracks as if I played them yesterday! I remember with "Living Inside..." with Candi, that we were romancing at the time: that was a special "date" in all senses of the word! Cool

... I've been really busy lately with little time behind the computer like I'm accustomed to. Yet we take each day at a time, don't we?

Cheers Guys!

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

10Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:44 pm



Re: http://www.billycobham.com/forums/index.php?topic=2914.0

I'm only repeating here with the following text; and only for those interested in responding.

Re: http://www.johnsussewell.com/2Reconcile.mp3

This is just one song that I wrote and play keyboards on during a moment of undisturbed silence. Silence from a woman crying after help when Ambilify would have done better for her; silence from a child crying after attention when parental support might have made a difference. What will become of this compilation is not in my hands; though I wrote and played it on the keyboards as compiled (c.2008 & c.1978-9, respectively): and I’m a drummer by skill level and track record in 2008. I’m also a minister (servant) of good news (Gospel) that pits mankind against mankind far more times than any of us are either alive or those within our traceable genealogies (even our families) will restrict us to. Many would be surprised with what you will come up with: especially in America (USA). We are not in a war of nations and personalities, but ideologies. We’re all equal and on the same footing: Earth! I’m secured with a clean conscience… are you? Go figure and listen…please! Such is why I write… shouldn’t someone write instead of grafting after a “grade” or “acceptance?”

I Used to Believe In justice and equity.
Opportunity for both the competent and competitive;
Community among the different in spite of our differences.

I don’t believe that anymore…
Certainly not, if only, on face value.
What we know should produce…
Yet the harvest is being hoarded somehow.
Someone, or some people, are holding something back in dishonesty and untruthfulness.

I don’t believe that anymore…
No more than the left foot being out of step with the right,
No more than a breath of air can be taken in without exhaling,
No more than blood without the veins to convey it back to the lungs,
I don’t believe in everyone’s right to justify their own spirituality and politics rather than say: “May we speak about this without violence?”

What I believe is this:

I believe in the compassionate…
In the willing to be sober and sensitive to others.
In the teachableness of us all since we’re all students in Life.
In the empathetic… and this is why:

Lies have become truths, and truths lies.
Who discerns the difference?
Who still believes in this ping pong game
We play with each other in public forums…
Even governments of nations and sovereignties beat around the burning bush?

Who are the students and who are the teachers,
Among faiths beyond the sole person looking for hope among his destitution?
What is actually being said to make a difference
To plumb the power of each person?
What we do is most important with what we believe.
“I don’t know,” is no longer an excuse anymore.
To say something is not known is willful ignorance among those reading this.
To say that “I have read and understand” is paramount.

Aren’t we all meant to believe with
Hope and cooperation instead of degradation,
disgruntlement and discouragement sufficating
This undeserving and unqualified humanity we now euphemize as “global economy”?

We’re justified far more than in the lie of Santa at Christmas.
Our parents lied to us and We are lying to our children.
My belief is just to forgive each other and move on.
My belief has always been to grow with each step… tell the Truth!

My belief is in sussing it out for ourselves...
My belief is for the greater charity of love unfeigned among brothers:
Busting the bubble between religion and politics
And making it real for everyone:
Making it even understandable to the children we are raising.

Get understanding, for upon getting it,
Any knowledge and wisdom will support it.
Apart from that understanding; keep learning while striving for the meat:
It still will evade us however smart we become.

Wisdom is the flower sprouting upon the branch of knowledge and understanding.
Artforms stem from that growth, and relationship provides seed down the road
For those unprincipled…
Government is desired among the disenfranchised;
While hoarded among those empowered to know better.

Yes, I believe.
I only speak from experience…
In that truth and principle I will abide…

Yes I believe… though some know me as Suss, I’m nobody.
… yet I dream for the Day when Psalms 113:7 becomes reality rather than actuality for mankind in our context of things:

Psalms 113:1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.
2 Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore.
3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
4 The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high,
6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;
8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.
9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD.

I’m both fulfilled and frustrated at the willingness and unwillingness of intelligent folk these days to understand what is going on beyond our own personal pursuits in the name of survival and supporting families. Where is the name of our God in this scenario? Go figure… get in touch with your own pain (as painful that certainly will be)… then reach out to others. Why I had to go through it again is beyond me… except to say that everyone walking the face of the earth must come to know who God is, rather than who others say he is.

Thank you for your patience in reading this and listening.

Sincerely with unconditional love… (Agapeo)


Love ya... for real!

P.S. Something new from a dear friend, artist and guitar player that I'm playing on. The CD, etc., will be release within the month.


Musically, this says it ALL for me.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

11Suss' Soundscapes Empty Remember your Root & Be replenished by It. Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:42 am



Re: Remember Your Root and be replenished by It.

Suss Solo on keyboards. My primary instrument is the drums, as if you had to guess.

Copyright 2008 Steve Whitworth; “To Whom, Etc.”
ALL… my most recent musical project released on a custom label that I have no input on nor having been “paid” commitant with my skill set. Yet, I have already been paid by the camaraderie of folks that I want to name here, but won’t out of respect while respecting them and their copyright. They are simply taking too long to say what is so simple in the mere expression. Hence I’ll state it with Steve Whitworth/Atlanta. I told him that my name is on his release… so be on the move and market it. Hmmm.

So many more desires to others are within boxes without recognizing that so many more are within their own fences. Friendships are more easily found than lost. What matters is our own behaviors in the process. Forget the human element – may no one rely upon them as excuses. Truth is not relative at a moment’s notice or the whims of the capricious, but chiseled in Stone for eternity. Therein is the principle. With that attitude, many more friends will be found than lost. Therein many more relationships will be reconciled than tossed to the dumpster.

In other words, be consistent at all costs and leave no one behind within your best abilities.

We are not about making “friends” as being “friends.” It is about being congenial. Our human existence is about being productive and continually producing on the level irrespective on planet Earth where we hail from. I venture to say that if such were grasped by political leaders (being hedged themselves), then there would be no terrorism today, both domestically and internationally, by the very markets that somehow persist in having established a ‘black market.’ That moniker of a “black market” is an insult to me personally, since I am an educated and astute human being among Black Americans.

Very few understand why the outer space is black when no white is seen unless blinding a person’s eyes. I learned the science and physics decades ago, without regard for any ethnicity that is heralded upon these United States of America. It IS science, not societies or even a nation. In case you are wondering, review what refraction and reflectivity is about: perhaps the some will discover what relationship is about within the visible spectrum without reflecting frustrations onto another generation and our grand children. That is the science of society without getting into the mathematics that too many are oblivious of. Furthermore…

That is theocracy in motion and not stagnant in our painful process. May ALL make our quest for recognizing, receiving and responding to each other more efficient

This is America: the greatest country ordained by God in history, and demonstrative of the greatest hope for the title deed upon His Property, not ours.

So get the chip off our shoulders! I will NEVER lose that One carrying me on shifting sands.

May All take heed to it without infringing upon anyone’s rights and responsibilities. I am not a little drummer boy, but a grown man with both rhythm and relationship in view. Kindly exercise patience when you take the time to read (and hear) what is by my own hands; both in text and music [whether percussively or by prose (piano is a percussive and string instrument). Kindly take a breath among ourselves without ourselves acting like we are higher than what we ought to think while amongst ourselves in real time, up front and personal. None of us can fill in the gaps melodically or by ministry. The truth is everyone is waiting on the finished product. The error of our ways is that He is not a product, but a Person. I learned that decades ago… what about anyone now with the meekness (not weakness) to receive the absolute!

Yours truly with my musical mentor from days long ago but still alive and thankfully so: Mr. Billy Cobham – with whom I’ve shared the same stage when working on tour with the Average White Band in New Haven, Connecticut back in 1975. My stint with AWB was at the behest of Arif Mardin (Atlantic Records producer), now recently gone. Arif was inextricably linked to my being with Donny Hathaway only a few years before. I have a picture of them two during that period of time. The rest has yet to be released by commercially minded sycophants seeking their own profit above another’s welfare. Oh well… let me get on with what I am saying by my own hand:

Competition is the best. It hones our skills without loss of life.

Living in this day has progressed far beyond what any one person can grasp. That is a good thing.

Life among each other has become what each of us should have known well before anyone died. That is also a good thing.

Good? No! Such is not “either or,” but “both and.” Simple logic when each and everyone is trained in such considerations facing reality and contemporary times. I’m a drummer by passion, but not by Purpose. So read, as much as it might pain you to do so.

Death is not good but allowed by an Authority far greater than any man who ever walked (except One); when so many more are derelict in responsibilities seeking liberty/freedom and attesting to the Same Person. I choose to think that the liberty and freedom many seek is estranged from the Divine Intent, while humans on this globe remain apart from each other rather than with each other.

Believe your scriptures, but exercise common sense. Kindly use the mind, but be careful at being misled by the mindless that have no vision, nor mission, of what leadership is, let alone those who follow as in blindfolds. Most importantly: worship the living God you believe in – He will take care of the rest (literally) and without reinventing the wheel already seen and testified to by men and women far greater than this writer or any of us. Most certainly there will be Reconciliation and by a Hand with pure judgment when balancing the scales for which so many seek.

My question is why is ‘one’s’ liberty and freedom expressed at the expense of others who have sown their lives into reaching out to yet others with the same principles. In fact, where did what we yearn for (and from Whom) come from? Certainly not from a crowd of bantered phrases and battered ruins when “mob” mentality overruns common sense and sensibility in this present day.

Are the answers to these questions found through introspection or by Inspiration? My answer by recognition, response and activation is found by both: introspection and Inspiration. Such inspired what has yet to be completed by my own hands in His [hear Reconciliation MP3 below…]

Kindly Muse on this thought for a moment. I think we’ll find the answer found after Time is taken to consider and cooperate with the world in the 21st century as everyone living knows it to be. Though many discern we are not of this world, we still live in it. In other words, the answer is found within ourselves; without asking another person or questioning ‘why’ as a child will incessantly inquire. Therein is wisdom by knowing what Life is, in spite of the difficulties going on nowadays.

Would to the Living God whom I worship (and One who is no longer with Skin), the rest of us ‘will to” bring “Purpose” beyond our passions to the Table that Everyone can feast. That is my personal and public, among corporate and private, prayers in symphony (agreement) with the Orchestrator.

John Milton Sussewell
a/k/a “Suss!”
Written and copyrighted by John Sussewell.

P.S. There are so many musical genres and lyrics which inspire me among those with skin that all I can say within my means. Yet for this writing is to remind (% Suss w/Eddie Palmeiri – a cover – I wish I could have performed with Senor Palmeiri: http://www.johnsussewell.com/LaLibertad-Freedom!031303AFull.mp3. I was not afforded that privilege but am sensitive to afro-cuban influences. What you hear is simply an overdub in my studio to the track. Anyone who thinks fusion is reprobate needs to think again. Therein is one’s growth as many before us have already grown and now accepting without compromising. So how many more have to die to the reality of mankind’s mistakes and misgivings?

P.P.S. To Billy Cobham and his original tune “Conundrum.” Yours Truly, Suss on drums alongside (literally) that I’m honoring here from decades past and Now: Yes, I’m playing the drums on Conundrum (“riddle”). Can you figure this riddle out for yourself without thinking of either of either Billy Cobham or John Sussewell? I pray so. I have kept the faith with integrity and desire the same for anyone else seeking the same heights. Just do it! Thanks Billy (a/k/a Boomer)… even after all of our decades.

“Conundrum” and “On The Move” – written and copyrighted by Billy Cobham
Kindly read and put in context why I chose to begin what you will hopefully take the time to read and not second guess. Is this my own musings or the mission of mankind? Solve the riddle for yourself and be prepared to face another with confidence and self assurance for everyone’s good beyond your own. Learn something from whomever you meet. Eat the watermelon, but spit out the seeds. Most certainly, be on the move and never let the grass grow either beneath or above your feet. My thanks to one without skin among those who still have it.

With Much Love,

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

12Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:24 pm



Hi Guys!

Glad to finally being able to drop by and put my two cents in!

I make no excuses... those who know me know what I've been doing.

On the musical horizon for me within the next month is to go back into the recording studio with perhaps the most challenging project I've participated upon to date. The Artist is "Ratsack." He's a poet and has appeared on HBO a few times. He's clean, but engaging in his lyrics... causing one to think in both a comedic and thoughtful manner. Perhaps he says it best when asking my role on the drums among other players:

"Thanks for your comments the other day. It was too late to call last night. In order to get on Def Poetry Jam like that, I had to tailor my pieces to fit the format of that show. And in order to do that I had to omit a few things. In my world I want to add more dynamics, more drama, more theatrics using music that is seamlessly blended to enhance the audience experience. The music will come in and out in the same way that music is used to enhance movies. Its' only predictability is that it is not very predictable and that it aims to blur the lines between regular formatted music and theater using this comic/ironic poetic delivery. The music should have some kind of relationship to Atlanta and that can be left open to interpretation. I know this is easy and second nature to you, and so I just offer this description as part of the journey of using words to effect my experience on planet earth and those who cross my path."

I've worked on many projects for a variety of folks regardless of their musical genres. Some have been released, while others are caught somewhere between Vaults and Cyberspace. Yet know that I am so looking forward to taking to wing again with this man and his vision. He's from Australia which, since I first met him in December, 2007 here in Atlanta, the guy just keeps me rolling AND reflecting. Listen to his words/lyrics and wonder how you would accompany him in the dyanmics of theatrics.

Check him out at http://www.myspace.com/ratsackatl

... and in so doing, pray for me that I deliver as promised! I already know that by the Grace of God, I'll put this production on the front panel.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

13Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:14 pm



No prayer required. This ain't the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity. You'll find the essence because you're good at honing in on what's important. Ever get into Ken Nordine's Word Jazz radio show? Might be somewhat inspirational for the project, though completely different delivery.


14Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:49 am



woofus wrote:No prayer required. This ain't the Dept. of Homeland Insecurity. You'll find the essence because you're good at honing in on what's important. Ever get into Ken Nordine's Word Jazz radio show? Might be somewhat inspirational for the project, though completely different delivery.

Wassup Woofus!?

Yeah... I see your point. I took a listen (and that a number of times). I really like the exchange with egos and alter-egos depicted. Nice one by Ken Nordine, and very subtle when enjoying the interplay.

I'll speak with you soon.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

15Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:27 pm



For those interested...


This track from last year came back to my desk with further consideration as to production values. Clearly, I hear a bass player on it but can't imagine what else when a proper mix is done. What do you think?

P.S. I'm told that the term "Mestiza" is Portugese for a woman of mystery (as in Brazil) and not the european continent. To me, this means its a colloquialism for the sake of ryhme rather than reason. LOL! Walter wrote this and is still searching his heart for the outlet. So are we all in some form or fashion.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

16Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:30 pm

Harris K.

Suss, I can almost hear a cool jazzy guitar playing a solo or some phrases with octaves. Too obvious maybe, but other than that and the bass, I don't think that it needs a lot more.
Real nice tune with a very cool vibe, and tasteful drumming!

17Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:42 pm



Harris K. wrote:Suss, I can almost hear a cool jazzy guitar playing a solo or some phrases with octaves. Too obvious maybe, but other than that and the bass, I don't think that it needs a lot more.
Real nice tune with a very cool vibe, and tasteful drumming!

Thanks Harris. I figured that; although there's already a staccato guitar on the piece as well as riffs played in reverberation/echo. Yeah; the bass is obvious at this point; but then I don't play bass.

We'll see; since I'm not the producer while being inquired on what's to happen next. Go figure.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

18Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:52 pm



Hey Guys,

I'm a grand-dad again!

My son-in-love (David) phoned me last Tuesday with the news. Both mother (Angela - my daughter) and child (Gabrielle) are doing well.

David sent me e-pics of the event when the four of them enjoyed their moment in Time.

Four you ask? May we not forget Elijah, who is now only a little more than two years old.

Suss' Soundscapes Gabrielle-Born022309

Suss' Soundscapes Gabrielle2-Born022309

Suss' Soundscapes Gabrielle3-Born022309

Suss' Soundscapes Angie&GabrielleEyes-022309

cheers , while forgiving my framing and annotations!

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

19Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:34 pm

Harris K.

Sweet kids, a happy mom and a happy granddad who is also a drummer!
Not much more to ask from life, is there?

Congrats Suss!

20Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:34 pm



Harris K. wrote:Sweet kids, a happy mom and a happy granddad who is also a drummer!
Not much more to ask from life, is there?

Congrats Suss!

Like a Star @ heaven Thanks much Harris.

All The Best w...

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

21Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:57 am



Hi Guys,

My thanks to Pete for putting this up.

Whatever circumstances are exerted these days among us, or whatever music is heard by hyperlinks, we should perform the drums in concert (and agreement) with those who work so hard to achieve a level where we are ALL on the same plane.

Kindly paste the links into your browser without concern for their integrity. I am pupouslyly leaving it along right now to correct what is obviously in error with the links. Just cut and paste with my signature: ending in MP3. The files are on my server.

More importantly... just read me personally and understand that I agree with each and everyone around this globe who have the same altitude:


I never thought that I would have a career, though it is commonly (perhaps societally) thought that we all should have one (1). It is what, where and who we know that makes the difference. To "know" has more meanings than many admit to. Then there is timing also.

I say this because from my view of living experiences, I’ve sought, and still seek, to contribute in whatever manner (discipline) is required of (or from) anyone. I most certainly think this of myself. In my view, this is the essence of the Music: to listen first; and then speak (or perform).

“Multitasking,” as commonly known today in 2009, was necessary for me in the 50’s, well before the term became popular in the 90’s. I overdubbed the following tune from my heart, and that without permission from Eddie Palmeiri. It speaks to the freedom and liberty each of us have in expressing ourselves without the constraints of legalism, nationalism, and international politics. I choose to honor Mr. Palmeiri, while contributing on drums what his group found no room for on the original recording. You will hear my contribution as if I were in the room with them All. Curiously, none of us have enough to meet the needs of another. There’s truth here too!


Our pursuits ought to be purposed, rather than confused; especially when most walking this Planet have more to share than what seems to be allowed [in this context, I mean that we are truly products of our environment with, or in spite of, global illnesses when we are All unique individuals]. My prayer is that those who hear, Listen to each other and Learn!

These days, it ought to be easier than harder; and I’ve somehow learned this and know better myself. We, all of us, are being prepared for something much greater. Change is possible for everyone; if, and only if, there is a heart (capacity) for it. Nevertheless, many seem to want the status quo without ever changing beyond what they are accustomed. Too many “love” calamity in anonymity; while others don’t know which way to turn because of calamities. Together we are entrenched in holes each keep digging for themselves. So stop digging in pride and break out with Promise! That is what I say!

Calamity: singular noun; Calamities: plural noun 1. An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster: A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region. See Synonyms at disaster. 2. Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy. [quoted from the American Heritage Dictionary]

So, do we regress or progress? Will we learn from each other and seek to master whatever craft, gift, talent and tolerance we’ve been Given to share with each other in a coming flowing Language and Cultures? I wonder at this very point, as much as I Wonder (and am amazed) by Him who created me for His Eternity and not my destiny. Our tongues were already confused once by mankind’s ambitions and pride. Why should it be so many millennia later when we find ourselves still “babbling”?

I think that too many live in anonymity without credibility. Others seek visibility - neither having heart nor skill to deliver anything. Then there are those who are simply beaten down with reality to the point where their own hope is lost – to the chagrin (and Conundrum) of us All. And they either like it like that, or succumb to the pressures of everyone being embarrassed - simply because behind whatever veil, there seems to be no dignity among humankind anymore. Herein is the riddle, while we figure out the Signs and Times. By respect and regards to Billy Cobham for having provided this track for my overdub on his tune:


Self dignity is so important: it is the sense of self-worth with a view toward opportunity to contribute. Once this is envisioned and Alive, a person’s activity WILL bring about responsibility and accountability. These are both a simple and complex truth: by the sharing comes accountability; and that without the fear of someone stealing what you have and was first Given! The Gift is based upon recognizing, receiving and responding to (mastering) it so that the Gift leaves no one as losers in the exchange. With All things considered, it is all in the negotiation.

By the God that I know (and certainly by His Son Christ Jesus), we Americans ought to have known this by now, so that ALL can appreciate what is already within our grasp, rather than what is hoarded among those who claim to be atheists, agnostics AND American politicians. Therein is a conundrum too.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m both thinking and praying that at the moment we find a treasure, we should hide it. Only after discovering the “discovered,” should our treasure be appreciated for its’ value, and then shared. It takes mastery of anything shared, and in any public forum.

Ultimately (in my obvious view of things), share your treasure rather than hide it. This has been my thinking when born in the 20th Century – now we’re in the 21st! Technology is a blessing in my book. It advances humanity to the capacity to hear each other and coordinate with each other. More technological advances have been made within my lifespan, and in the 20th Century, than any century since the beginning of history. Now we’re in the 21st. Hmmm… I wonder why.

So in this morass of seeming misery, I’m no better than anyone. I’m just here with ALL making the best of it with wisdom and understanding. Together, we appear to be both blessed and cursed - this conundrum will take some consideration for us to “Suss” (figure) out.

Actually, I’m Blessed to be here experiencing what our fathers already tried to impart to us. My Heavenly Father has already done this, which is why I share these Truths, as meek and seemingly weak I appear to be. We are All dull with hearing another truth; me with Steve Whitworth – a guy that I met in the studio when called upon to record his nascent project “To Whom, Etc.” The tune is “All.”


In the meantime, I thank my personal God that my music tempers aberrant temperaments apart from myself. Thank you, you listeners, as much as I thank you. Music is not my purpose in life – only one (1) of my passions. In the meantime, seek your own. Express yourself… multitask!

May your expressions be artistic and positive - with a view toward assisting someone else… the results are geometric, rather than arithmetic (additive). Better still, I think exponentially (to logarithmic possibilities – off the scale)! Will you?

What a reality, rather than what appears as promises. I adhere to His Promise, with my own responsibility and accountability to Him and each other. Therein will there be The Reconciliation.

By my own feet, hands and “phileo” Love (behind the keyboard & not drums): “To Reconcile” [go figure it out for yourselves without me in mind. I trust you’ll figure it out with others in mind]. Its all about the push and pull; the tension and release. We are the melodic and percussion. We work in concert; i.e. in agreement. What a symphony, while awaiting the Conductor!

[The 2nd half of this tune is dubbed “Solaris,” which I recorded on my Mother’s organ back in 1978.]

With All Respect & Dignity to You,

John M. Sussewell

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

22Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:56 pm



Suss wrote:Together we are entrenched in holes each keep digging for themselves. So stop digging in pride and break out with Promise! That is what I say!

Self dignity is so important: it is the sense of self-worth with a view toward opportunity to contribute. Once this is envisioned and Alive, a person’s activity WILL bring about responsibility and accountability. These are both a simple and complex truth: by the sharing comes accountability; and that without the fear of someone stealing what you have and was first Given! The Gift is based upon recognizing, receiving and responding to (mastering) it so that the Gift leaves no one as losers in the exchange. With All things considered, it is all in the negotiation.

With All Respect & Dignity to You,

John M. Sussewell

That's what I dig about you, Suss. You're willing to be a fool and embrace the unknown, willing to engage with change in heart and mind and, perhaps most importantly, willing to suffer through it all . . . all the internal bureaucracy and external calamity. You are one circumnavigating fool. Cap'n Bigfoot. Here's one I wrote/sing/drum about getting through the artificial borders and trying to find some essence, which may be somewhat of a learned skill:

Win/win is the hard road. It's so much easier to accept loss.


23Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:08 am



woofus wrote:
Suss wrote:Together we are entrenched in holes each keep digging for themselves. So stop digging in pride and break out with Promise! That is what I say!

Self dignity is so important: it is the sense of self-worth with a view toward opportunity to contribute. Once this is envisioned and Alive, a person’s activity WILL bring about responsibility and accountability. These are both a simple and complex truth: by the sharing comes accountability; and that without the fear of someone stealing what you have and was first Given! The Gift is based upon recognizing, receiving and responding to (mastering) it so that the Gift leaves no one as losers in the exchange. With All things considered, it is all in the negotiation.

With All Respect & Dignity to You,

John M. Sussewell

That's what I dig about you, Suss. You're willing to be a fool and embrace the unknown, willing to engage with change in heart and mind and, perhaps most importantly, willing to suffer through it all . . . all the internal bureaucracy and external calamity. You are one circumnavigating fool. Cap'n Bigfoot. Here's one I wrote/sing/drum about getting through the artificial borders and trying to find some essence, which may be somewhat of a learned skill:

Win/win is the hard road. It's so much easier to accept loss.

Thanks Keith - yet, with all respect, I'm no sacrificial lamb. I'm willing to pay the price for what others will account and reconcile being "willfulness."

I know experientially what most cast off as being "unknown," as you said. I know who I'm in relationship with on a spriritual level; and every current event ratifies His fulfillment.

Yet, on the other hand (as if both hands and feet were in agreement), many react out of fear, worry, ignorance or simply "stupidity" by repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

As for what you love about me: you don't know me (since I've never met you as a fellow drummer). Think again: others have not met each other simply because on this planet, they choose not to. I am an advocate for us musically knowing each other by experience in the same space and time.

Then are detractors who out of "ignorance," (and stupidity) will accuse anyone of doing in the same thing - as if YOU change stream from their status quo. Shame on those, not you. I understand... even those within our community here are sychophant succusbes: we know who they are.]. As I've said before: know them that labor among you.

With humility, I've gained more than what I ever expected to know by personal experience. I've actually had more joy than suffering in my life. You are correct K: my willingness to share stems from the Calling on my life to do so. I make no excuses, nor give ground to super-spiritual, exo-skelotal [eccentric] or relgious viewpoints when interpreting the signs of the times. Mankind will never see God unless among the Chosen. The Christian church thinks that ALL is going to heaven after death as if the Author contradicted Himself. Since the Author said it was "good," I don't think about death when preachers have died all around us for centuries with the same "cultural" exclamations. I'm not a preacher... yet a teacher among many among us:

Make NO MISTAKE: I deal in real time and space offering hope to anyone with a willingness to receive it. My history over decades attests and verfies this - with thanks to the Spirit who sustains me.

So what about the Jew? [forgive my digression] The Jews were here before there was ever a Christian. The Catholics came 325 years later after Christ's sacrifice on the stake (and not the "cross."). What Jews fail to realize is that they are not a "race." What Catholics fail to realize is that they are not the final word. What I fail to realize is balancing the Truth between the universal (catholic) and the protestant (denominations). MY STATEMENT IS THAT I DON'T THINK ABOUT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL I ACCOMPLISH WHAT I'M PURPOSED TO DO HERE AND NOW in the 21st Century AND IN THE FLESH!

Nevertheless, I wish I never had to experience what I came to know first hand. I see the value in it purely because I can share this with another, when having big ears on both sides of the proverbial "story." Had I chosen another Way, you might have not known me. I'm thankful we, et. al., know each other within our willingness to suffer (allow) the perspectives and appreciate the horizons/differences where foundations are neither discouraged nor disrupted.

*** **** *****

Getting To The Essence of Humanity, instead of personalities among our imperfections, should be anyone's Mission in life.

As to Purpose? Who can tell? That is for us to discern individually before in concert with each other.

Yeah, I understand this absolute Truth and Wisdom, and how fragile we (as humans) are when building walls instead of bridges. We live in a very complicated and conflicted world right now.

Be listening - be performing with bridges in mind. Recognize the horizon - navigate the course in spite of the rapids - think creatively while not losing sight on the goal. Keep your integrity, as I am mine being only partially submerged in the foam.

You do a great job on this tune. I've heard this before from you Keith: ("Digging Down"), and thank you for reminding me of what We All should know.

I hear your growth (drumming wise), without supposing that I know more. I'm growing too... everyday is an adventure.

We're all people dealing with the "so-called" pollution of personalities and global politics these daze. From my point of view, and opinion, current events and media is thinking about minutea.

The earth sustains itself by Divine Decree. What's going on is the unwillingness of it's inhabitants to respect space and time (and each other), let alone what was Spoken of before any of us were born (and our present environment).

I spoke with Buddy Williams by phone last weekend. He's a dear friend and fellow drummer out of NYC during the days when it HAD to be real. Buddy's track record speaks for itself. Check him out on MySpace, Facebook, etc.

As for me, these conversations are both my essence and life's work based upon personal study, building bridges, professional and corporate sharing. You have touched upon it Woofus. For whatever this means to others by my sharing on this website, I take a step backwards, anticipating to take seven forward.

As you all know, my Calling is about recognizing, receiving and responding to Absolute Truth. Your lyrics on this song remind me of this reality.

Thanks for this Keith... it encourages me on The Rock (Christ), Rock & Roll (Music) and the Rhinocerous (your willingness to share)!

Suss' Soundscapes SussSerious2009

Begin again: hence the following (Steve Freeman's 50th Birthday Celebration this Saturday): hear the Inspration on Guitar with The Guild supporting him:


http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

24Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:53 am



As for me, these conversations are both my essence and life's work based upon personal study, building bridges, professional and corporate sharing. You have touched upon it Woofus. For whatever this means to others by my sharing on this website, I take a step backwards, anticipating to take seven forward.

This touches on a recent, intuitive rediscovey for me: walking backwards. What a great metaphor for balance in life . . . and also very, very healthy and fun. Would be cool to start a trend here as they apparently have in Japan. How funny and eye-opening it would be to see a Walking Backwards Club in action.

It's good for rehab of injury, but also strenghthening as preventative. And it's probably great for brain activity due to balancing exercise. It's akin to playing bass drum heel-up for decades and then trying to learn heel-down, having to adjust balance and learn new ways of centering (which is what I've been working on for the first time as a drummer).

Here's a page where an exercise called 5-4 is described. Give it a try, it's much harder than you may realize:

Speaking of 5/4, last Saturday as a piano duo we played George Harrison's Within You Without You in 5/4 and I plan to record it . . . pianist began with a prerecorded left hand bassline loop, then kept his left on the keys while playing a glockenspiel with his right. Adding the drums, we sounded like a 108 piece orchestra. The sound of the glockenspiel was so strong and clear (pristinely played) that passers-by (the door was open) must have thought is was all prerecorded music. It was wild!

Laurie Anderson's Walking & Falling:
I wanted you. And I was looking for you.
But I couldn't find you.
I wanted you. And I was looking for you all day.
But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you.
You're walking. And you don't always realize it,
but you're always falling.
With each step you fall forward slightly.
And then catch yourself from falling.
Over and over, you're falling.
And then catching yourself from falling.
And this is how you can be walking and falling
at the same time.

Just now discovered this poignant King Crimson tune:


25Suss' Soundscapes Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:43 pm



woofus wrote:
As for me, these conversations are both my essence and life's work based upon personal study, building bridges, professional and corporate sharing. You have touched upon it Woofus. For whatever this means to others by my sharing on this website, I take a step backwards, anticipating to take seven forward.

This touches on a recent, intuitive rediscovey for me: walking backwards. What a great metaphor for balance in life . . . and also very, very healthy and fun. Would be cool to start a trend here as they apparently have in Japan. How funny and eye-opening it would be to see a Walking Backwards Club in action.

It's good for rehab of injury, but also strenghthening as preventative. And it's probably great for brain activity due to balancing exercise. It's akin to playing bass drum heel-up for decades and then trying to learn heel-down, having to adjust balance and learn new ways of centering (which is what I've been working on for the first time as a drummer).

Here's a page where an exercise called 5-4 is described. Give it a try, it's much harder than you may realize:

Speaking of 5/4, last Saturday as a piano duo we played George Harrison's Within You Without You in 5/4 and I plan to record it . . . pianist began with a prerecorded left hand bassline loop, then kept his left on the keys while playing a glockenspiel with his right. Adding the drums, we sounded like a 108 piece orchestra. The sound of the glockenspiel was so strong and clear (pristinely played) that passers-by (the door was open) must have thought is was all prerecorded music. It was wild!

Laurie Anderson's Walking & Falling:
I wanted you. And I was looking for you.
But I couldn't find you.
I wanted you. And I was looking for you all day.
But I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you.
You're walking. And you don't always realize it,
but you're always falling.
With each step you fall forward slightly.
And then catch yourself from falling.
Over and over, you're falling.
And then catching yourself from falling.
And this is how you can be walking and falling
at the same time.

Just now discovered this poignant King Crimson tune:

Hi hear you Keith... very deep thoughts in concert with so many others who fail to listen. Thank you for this.

As for backward stepping, please understand that in the process, no one should be a backbiter: nor should anyone become so dissillusined that they succumb to the hopelessness that I (for one) among others are seeking to avert...

You likely understand this, but I must say it again: I take seven steps forward in hope for everyone. Whatever steps "backward" are meant in waiting with patience.

... yeah... patience!

Thanks Man!

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

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