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Classic Drummer Magazine GONE!

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1Classic Drummer Magazine GONE! Empty Classic Drummer Magazine GONE! Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:20 pm


If anyone reads this magazine, it is going out of business, one last issue is coming out, then that is it.

DRUM, Drummer (UK), Rhythm (UK), Modern Drummer, Drumhead...plenty of good drummers magazines still around!!

Classic Drummer Magazine GONE! Drum_m10

2Classic Drummer Magazine GONE! Empty Re: Classic Drummer Magazine GONE! Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:16 pm



I have some issues of that magazine. Well written. That's sad to see.

I haven't bought a drum mag in ages though, save for Classic Drummer, because I don't know 80% of the drummers in the new mags, and have zero interest in most of the music they play, such as it's called music.


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