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Billy's Substitute WTJ Forum

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1Pete????!!! Empty Pete????!!! Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:33 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Hi, Pete,

I'm just a little surprised. I know it's been a many a year
before now that you've seen Billy perform. I'm guessing he
may have had hair and a beard when you last saw him last.

Yet, you seem to have VERY little to say of the experience.
Just a little perplexed is all.


2Pete????!!! Empty Re: Pete????!!! Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:25 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

A lot going on, here, Don.  I have
pics to post, yet and I hope to
add more before the end of this
very important week.

I will devote an entire post to it
and say more than everyone likely
wants to hear.



3Pete????!!! Empty Re: Pete????!!! Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:29 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say Pete !

Peace, TED


4Pete????!!! Empty Re: Pete????!!! Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:07 pm



Anticipation of those pics and your experience with Boomer keeps making me wait.

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