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Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams

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1Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Empty Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:36 pm



I got this in my email today.
I thought some of you might like it.


Go to page 44.


2Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Empty Re: Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:15 pm



Thanks woody
so great to hear Tony talk about the 1975 'Believe It' sessions.

And in 2004 they released it again on CD with Two Outtakes
one is a new track as well.


Just 13 bucks.

Pure Bliss.

10 Outta 10.



3Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Empty Re: Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:06 am



Thanks, Woody. Totally awesome read. How interesting it would be to have been witness to his explorations . . . imagine a candid camera picking up his process in documentary fashion. I've been experiencing similar things, finally, after over 30 years of drumming. Of course, I may have played things like it before, never cognizant of the math behind it. Just within the week I've explored 6 over 4 with 8 and 4 on the HH, throwing in the kick on the & then putting the HH on the other & morphing it into a reggae beat. Flipping things ever so slightly; such a great exercise . . . the idea being to have the ability to change rhythm within a tune, the drums changing completely while all other instrumentation remains the same. It's all about having choices. Along these lines, last night I discovered this great rendition of Cherokee with Shelly Manne:

Drummers can be metamorphs!

But, as humans, we're not always so flexible, as illuminated by the article. There's no room for competition within the music, but outside of it, the world thrives. Going around backs, under-the-table deals, choices even among friends can drive stakes . . . now there's a conundrum. How can we avoid wrongly judging the motivation of others and learn to live in harmony . . . is not everyone a leader amid limited resources?


4Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Empty Re: Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:29 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Thank you, Woody.

That brings back memories.

Tony. Tony. Tony.



To the father of us, all - Billy Cobham!

5Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Empty Re: Digital Downbeat..... Tony Williams Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:39 pm



That's a bitter/sweet read.

Imagine if Tony was the drummer in MO. That was a very interesting part of the article. I wonder how that would have sounded.

What a loss to music. Tragic, tragic loss.


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