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Billy and Tama Drums

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1Billy and Tama Drums Empty Billy and Tama Drums Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:51 am


When I look at the old Tama catalogs from 1977-mid 80's. you can see how much
Boomer was their top endorser. Especially in 1977, he helped put the company on the
map and it led the way to what happened in the 80's, when they became one of the top Japanese
drum manufacturers.

Boomer was one of the first drummers to use the octobans and the gong drum in recordings and live
performance, I am not sure if many people really acknowledge what he did for Tama drums as well
as the retail market for drums today.

2Billy and Tama Drums Empty Re: Billy and Tama Drums Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:42 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Yes, drumman. Which is why initially I was a bit surprised when Billy left Tama. His endorsement with Mapex was also crucial in getting them on the map.

I can tell you today that there are only two drum companies that support their endorsers on a national and international level as far as making sure they have equipment when and where they need it. Those companies are Yamaha and Pearl.

The price of getting your own equipment shipped to where you need to have it is way over the top. The day was you use to be able to curbside all that stuff, but not anymore.

I know for a fact that Terry Bozzio who endorses DW has several kits stationed in different parts of the world. I know you've seen what he uses. Can you imagine what it would cost him to ship all that stuff where ever he needed it?

I ordered an 8" tom for my tama kit a few years back. It came directly from Japan. It took me 4 months to receive it because they shipped it by boat as cargo by plane is just too expensive.



3Billy and Tama Drums Empty Re: Billy and Tama Drums Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:59 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

Hey Drumman, if you look at my avatar, you will notice the original octobans he played, which I now proudly own. alien

Peace, TED


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