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Pete, What's up with Simon?!

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1Pete, What's up with Simon?! Empty Pete, What's up with Simon?! Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:14 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam


Go here and read these archived posts from 2003. Read the first 5 posts (they're very short). I bring this up because Simon Phillips had to leave Toto again just recently and from what I understand was put on total bed rest in the hospital... What's up with him? scratch I hope he's ok.


2Pete, What's up with Simon?! Empty Re: Pete, What's up with Simon?! Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:27 am

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)


This is pretty up to date and I am in touch
with guys, who follow him, close:


I am not a rabid fan of his, though have a
lot of respect for him.

Now, I seem to remember that he had a certain
blood disorder, if I am not mistaken. It was very
debilitating. Perhaps, it's become and issue,
once again but there is no mention of it, on
the site and I would think there would be.

Still, I will ask around.


To the father of us, all - Billy Cobham!

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