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The Cleaner You've all been waiting for...

Admin (Pete)
D. Slam
9 posters

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1The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Empty The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:53 pm



I give you....EASY OFF! Yes, the oven cleaner of the 20th century.

Yes folks this is the cleaner of all cleaners (in my humble opinion of course Wink )

Had somtime this afternoon to do some drum cleaning. Check out these pictures especially the one with the back of the can. That's the stuff that not only cleans/shines your kit but also preserves it's sheen without any adverse harm to your drum's surface. I've been using this stuff for 10 years today with no negative effects to it's sheen. I discovered it in a 1978 Mordern Drummers magazine which had monthly articles of Drum Maintenance. It works folks cheers Just don't get it on the batter heads or in your eyes pirat

The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Caneas10

The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Tamafr10

The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Tamato10

The Cleaner You've all been waiting for... Tamaea10

Aloha and Shalom all!


Last edited by Racman on Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total




I did not know that, thanks a lot rac Very Happy Smile cheers


Thanks, Racman I will try it on some of my gear as well. Boomer

D. Slam

D. Slam

Hahaha... Thanks, Rac, but I don't think I'll be using oven cleaner on my kits any time soon. Good old fashion, spray on, furniture polish has always worked wonders for me.... I'm good. No



I'll have to try that, Glenn.
your drums sparkle after using it.




Hey Rac!

I'll try that. My kit is ready for a make-over! bounce

Thanks man!

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Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

You guys CLEAN your kits ??????? lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!


Dirty TED




Hey, glad you guys are going to take time to using it. For conscious sake use it in a conspicuous area first before cleaning an entire area. But am sure it will be just fine.

Remember these three simple tips;

1) Shake can vigurously prior to spraying. It needs to have a foam-like appearance that indicates it's ready to clean.

2) Don't have the stuff contact the drum heads. It will remove the painted surface of the head. I suggest to either spray a piece of cloth to wipe surface of drum shell then take another clean cloth dampened with water to wipe off completely (like the instructions on can directs). But spraying directly to the shells works even better. It's also made to clean chrome parts (key holders - rims) as well. Your set will sparkle!

3) Do not spray stuff directly into eyeballs or into an opened mouth.

Now having said that....By following these three simple instructions you will have a brilliant like-new drum kit and a healthy life to enjoy it cheers

Easy-Off is also used for cleaning fine china and jewelry too. The whole idea is that it won't cause abrasive scratches or tarnish surface because "there are no abrasive ingredients' in the solution. A,B and C.

I would not use Easy-Off on drums that are "matt finish." Only on drums that are " high glossed hardened finishes. You know the type. But you may want to try a small area first. It may work just as good.

Yes my friends it's sparkle-power to the sets! sunny
It may not have you playing like Billy Cobham or Lenny White, but you will be looking great on stage with your like-new sparkling and happy drum gear! Wink

Take care the gear and it will take care of you. I heard that somewhere.

Thank you and shalom,


P.S. And I was not paid for this personal endorsement and I leave you with Mr. Billy Cobham (boomer)


Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

What about for cymbals?






Well Pete I have not tried it on cymbals. But being you've mentioned it, I just may try a tiny area and see how that works.

The monthly article (70's) did not mention using the stuff on cymbals but then it may have. It's been so long since I read that monthly article in Drummers Magazine. It might possibly work.



Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

since cymbals are mostly made of brass, I would NOT use Easy off on them as you might take off the finish and eat into the metal. I realize there are composite ones now with several alloys but it's still mostly brass.

I don't polilsh my cymbals , or clean them, though many like to do that. Probably the best thing for that would be BRASSO.

Peace, TED




Ted E. Bear wrote: since cymbals are mostly made of brass, I would NOT use Easy off on them as you might take off the finish and eat into the metal. I realize there are composite ones now with several alloys but it's still mostly brass.

I don't polilsh my cymbals , or clean them, though many like to do that. Probably the best thing for that would be BRASSO.

Peace, TED
Brasso does not work that good, but car wax does Very Happy



After hearing my testimony of using Easy-Off has anyone actually went ahead and tried using it yet?

If so, would you be kind enough in sharing your experience with it?





I'm with you, Ted. I couldn't grow potatoes if I cleaned my kit.


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