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billycobham.com is back!

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1billycobham.com is back! Empty billycobham.com is back! Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:44 pm


Hi everybody:
I have restarted billcobham.com and should have everything in place in the coming days.
Along with that I have enlisted Dennis Chambers, Gary Husband, Will Calhoun and Dom Famularo to take part in a series of presentations via ZOOM The package is entitled "Billy Cobham's Guide To Stress Free Drumming". We discuss ways to play with other musicians in performance while you control your energy flow. Hope to interpret the ideas of your colleagues in real time on the band stand and much much more. I will be performing music from my portfolio ("Permanent Jetlag", "Obliquely Speaking", "Spectrum", "Red & Yellow Cabriolet", "Cuba On The Horizon", "Desiccated Coconuts", "Street Urchin" and a couple that slip my mind for the moment. I will provide performances at the beginning of each presentation and then we will discuss my approach vs the ideas of my panel of distinguished guests. Everyone won't be at each presentation except for Dom who will be my co-host.
The presentations will be 10 (ten) - except for April 11 and 25, there will be one presentation a month through December.
The series is produced by Creative Multimedia Concepts Ince and Stages Music Arts in Baltimore <www.stagesmusicarts.com>. I have added a link below, check it out. It would be great to spread the news and to see you there. Be well and stay safe.

/Users/williamcobham/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads/8B42131F-D806-4359-837E-5324E3033AE3/Billy Cobham - Guide to Stress-Free Drumming Flyer - FINAL.pdf

kenny likes this post

2billycobham.com is back! Empty Re: billycobham.com is back! Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:18 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Sounds great, Boomer!!

I am sure there will be interest.

Will try and check back soon.


PS: I edited your title of this thread, Bill
to correct the location.


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