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Cymbals for Don

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1Cymbals for Don Empty Cymbals for Don Mon Dec 24, 2012 11:44 am



I think this gets just about everything in, Don. Funny to watch this a year later. I've changed around a bunch of things.


2Cymbals for Don Empty Re: Cymbals for Don Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:38 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Cymbals sounds beautiful, Asaph... you applied them very nicely
in your solo. the diverse texture of sound between them really
complimented and partnered well with each other. Sounds like
you did your homework when paring them together... Love the
bells too. Nice job in what you played also... Enjoyed it!

You know, that lavender cut off tom to your left? Looking at it
got me curious as to how that drum might sound with snares on
the bottom... Hmmm.. Idea

3Cymbals for Don Empty Re: Cymbals for Don Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:05 am



Thank you, kindly.

That 20" tom is actually a cut down Premier bass drum, on a modified vintage Premier snare stand I picked up at the CT drum show way back. I've had a 20" to my left since ... can't remember now. 20+ years probably.


4Cymbals for Don Empty Re: Cymbals for Don Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:10 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Oh, I didn't realize it was that big! I don't
think snares woud go over too well on that.

I thought it was more like a 16.

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