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NAMM 2014 Anaheim CA Starts TODAY

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1NAMM 2014  Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Empty NAMM 2014 Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:02 pm


NAMM starts today, Jan 23rd and ends this Sunday the 26th.

The weather there today is a sunny 68 degrees.

Here is the big news from Yamaha Drums.....
NAMM 2014  Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Yamaha10

They look pretty nice, I will have to get more info on them soon...
NAMM 2014  Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Yamaha11

2NAMM 2014  Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Empty Re: NAMM 2014 Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:41 am

D. Slam

D. Slam

Here ya go, drumman.

3NAMM 2014  Anaheim CA Starts TODAY Empty Re: NAMM 2014 Anaheim CA Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:19 am


To cut to the chase, Jim is saying Yamaha Drums are recuperating from losing their drum manufacturer in Japan
and this is what they now have to offer for 2014.

If you notice he said that they cheaped out on the mounts brackets to save production costs
but he claims that it changes the sound of the drum (probably not) but nice thought...lol.

It looks like they are on the right track, now they need to bring back the Artist Series snare drums
and generally improve their snare line.

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