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Jeff Heavy and band; a Driving-Force-of-a-Band!

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Have not seen this one for awhile. With Omar in the back really adds to the overall drive of this band. This is when music was played straight out and raw - no embellishments.  Love it!



D. Slam

D. Slam

Is he blind?



I don't want to be premature in saying it but it would appear he may be. Other than that D, what do you think of his playing and the band overall?


Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Go Jeff, Omar, Marcus and Dr. John!

This video is from some time ago but
quite memorable.



D. Slam

D. Slam

He's awesome, Rac and the band is
very good even though this really
isn't my favorite style of music.

Omar sounds great as always but
I had to laugh a bit as it looks like
he's swingin for the fences! LOL!

Is that Marcus Miller on bass?

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Yeah, Don.  Isn't that
Omar something?!  He's
always been like that and
look at the rail he is!  I
remember seeing Narada,
when he was a LOT, a lot
thinner and wondered how
he could do that and those
are no pencils he's waving,
as his signature sticks will
show you, again, Don!

That is the Dave Sanborn
Late Night Band, with Omar,
Marcus accompanying, with
special guest: Dr. John.





I hear you D. This style of music is played a lot here in my neck of the woods. I had a gig playing this stuff 3 nights a week for 3 months. It started as fun but as the nights went on became a drudge - especially on my health due to the club allowed smoking. But other than that, was fun just as if back in the days of high school.

And thank you Pete for quoting the bass player as being non-other than Marcus Miller; great player then and even more so now.



Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

I hear you, Rac.

That kind of gig is nice,
for one-night... maybe
a special guest, like this
one but it gets old quick.



D. Slam

D. Slam

Funny thing, guys. The one thing I've learned
to do over time is separate the the differences
in a particular style of music I don't like and how
that music is actually presented.

Many listeners will peg a band as terrible simply
because they don't like what's being played
without any regard to the presentation of what's
being played of the music they don't like (Yogi Berra
lives). What I'm saying, Rac is even though this style
of music might not be my cup of tea, It was presented
with such a standard of quality that would make it fun
to play regardless.

I could see myself having a blast doing this with a band
of players who all knew what we were doing.

I'll tell you what, it's a lot better to go this route than
to do a style of music you like and not have a clue as
to how it should be played.... AUUUUGHHH!

So I can see how you had fun when this started out, Rac.
And I know what you mean about the smoking. When I
was with the Joint Chiefs, we used to play this casino
right here in Cali that was established on an Indian reserve
that allowed an exemption from the California smoking law
(Money talks).

I played there ONCE and told the band that the rest of the
dates there would have to be performed with a substitute
drummer. I couldn't take it, man! When I was on the road
with EC Scott, we played venues in other states where it
was literally unbearable! How people willingly suck those
toxins down into their lungs is beyond my comprehension...

Anyway, I know what you mean and am glad you're out of
there for the sake of your health.

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

I remember when every
club was smoke filled. I
still can't believe I did it
night in and night out
and I even smoked!




D. Slam

D. Slam

Yeah, I never smoked but I had my days
of playing in smoky clubs. I really don't
know how I did it for so long or why it
didn't bother me then as it does today.

Glad to be out of that environment, that's
for sure.



Roger that guys. However, we are just about done with smoking in clubs as well as restaurants. In fact, Hawaii is about 97% smoke free when it comes to public places. Although I can't say much about pharmaceutical marijuana dispensers that's been growing as wild as the plant itself. I'll stop here folks.

But thanks for your input.


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