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1Surgeries Empty Surgeries Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:47 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Hi, all. It has been a long time and of course,
you have all seen what has happened to the
world but I am not here to talk about that.

I have survived the last of the three surgeries
and I am alive to talk about it/things. They
were of the head and a part of the right lung.
I have a huge 3-inch scar on the back of my
head and puncture wounds in my side and
my back. I am healing slowly.

I have not had the chance to think about much
else except all that is going on and how it has
changed the economies and the world; add to
this these health issues. We did know about
the lung for a long time. It is just that it grew
over the last two years - my scan schedule
interrupted by all this.

Anyway, I am on the mend and I am wishing
Boomer and you all my good tidings this
Christmas season.



2Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:47 am



Great to hear from you Pete.
Hang in there.

We all send our love to you.



Alex Sanguinetti likes this post

3Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:18 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Thank you, Colin.

I am glad to be able to talk about anything.

Back at work. I have the family to take care
of. My children have grown/are growing. So
much water under those bridges but things
are OK there and I am thankful.

Same for my wife, who has been anxious
about things but I am alive and getting
better day by day.

I listen to music and have my pad on the
bed for my hands and always developing
"that Tony-thing".

The Holidays always bring warmth to me
and I am extending that warmth to you
and everyone here.

Many blessings.

Alex Sanguinetti likes this post


4Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:53 pm

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Like Colin said, hang in, ´though we haven´t speak in long time we love you Pete and have the highest regard of your person (and drumming!).

Best to you and your family!



5Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:40 am



Hello Pete,

Nice to hear from you, I wish you the best for the times coming, hoping you can enjoy it with your family and people that are dear to you.

Greetings from France !

Alex Sanguinetti likes this post


6Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Wed Dec 15, 2021 9:58 am

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)


Nice to see you and let me say that
you were a great influence on me.

I hope you are well and my best
wishes for the Season.


Alex Sanguinetti likes this post


7Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:13 pm



Hey guys, it's been awhile! Shocked
Just login in to wish you, Pete, all the very best from my heart. Thank you so much for being there my whole young adult time. We never met, but as we all know, this forum was very important for many of us for quite some time and you, Billy and the core crew of the forums have been a very important figure to me for all those years. I hope you overcome the obstacles life is presenting to you. I have read a lot of Viktor Frankls work and maybe its something for you too.
Best wishes to you all, I hope you all have a healthy and happy 2022 and may Covid end.


8Surgeries Empty Re: Surgeries Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:17 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Very kind of you.

In a flash, your life is changed forever.
I am no longer the but a drummer in a
removed sense.

In a moment, we are made different.

In this moment, I feel your sentiment.

Thank you.



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