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In with the new out with the old

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1In with the new out with the old Empty In with the new out with the old Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:28 pm



With all due respect for the Spagnardi family and the many years of providing us with "Modern Drummers Magazine" we do have, however, the "Rhythm" a drummers magazine. Not sure but it may be a fairly new publication or not. But I just ran into one at Borders Book's magazine shelf just last night. With an artist like Steve Gadd on it's December issue cover, how can any drummer bypass it and not be tempted to open it. Very well put together with large pictures and seem to be less ads with drum products that are not mainstream as say Yamaha, Tama, etc., not saying you won't see those ads. But in most part its gear that don't compete among the visually prominent companies in the marketing forefront. Bit pricey, like anything these days, and just slightly larger in it's vertical dimension, or horizontal, which makes it that much more interesting on a shelf in my opinion.  bounce


Last edited by Racman on Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:28 pm; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling on family name)


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