Well, Pete...... Where do I start???
Hank (the guitar player) called the day of the rehearsal and said he was sick with the flu. I immediately called Conrad (the bassist) and told him as he was coming from a town in the San Joachin Valleycalled Rippon, which is about an hour and a half from my house which is where we were rehearsing. Conrad, being the trooper that he is said he wanted to get together anyway and was on his way. I called up another guitar player friend of mine (Oliver Harris) and he agreed to come out. Between the three of us, we came up with a neat little odd-meter rhythmic thing that we will continue to try and develop into a complete tune. We had fun.
Oh yeah, and the keyboard player, he called a 4:00 and left me a message saying he had to take his son to the barber shop.... Rehearsal began a 2:00pm. He told me in the message to call him back.
Would you like to place a small wager against the fact that I haven't bothered to do that.