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One for Woofus.

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1One for Woofus. Empty One for Woofus. Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:18 am

D. Slam

D. Slam


I did this just today.... A person I met (Jeff) at the recording studio where my band just finished up a cd project, who was an engineer at Lockheed was recently laid off. He does a little guitar playin and some singin and decided to writhe this tune concerning his recent plight. He asked if I'd lay a drum track to this one tune... While listening to it, it reminded me of something you might come up with... As comical as it is, it certainly hits home concerning the current economic situation we're in right now... We did this in two takes and I was outta there within an hour.

Under the circumstances, I did it on the house. I had fun too!




2One for Woofus. Empty Re: One for Woofus. Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:58 pm



Cute tune, talented producer . . . Jeff will find his way! He asked the right guy to play drums, too.


3One for Woofus. Empty Re: One for Woofus. Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:05 am



I'll pay the Chiefs $500 to record this fresh upload, semi-fresh song. It takes two to tango.

Pseudo Morrissey Casio send-up circa 1993:



4One for Woofus. Empty Re: One for Woofus. Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:01 am



Interesting thread given present economies among peers around the world. Wouldn't you say? - especially since the Solicitor has yet be responded to by the one solicited to musically.

I'm not surprised you were out there in an hour Don. Though the lyrics are on point, the groove is more like a commercial/folk tune and with the song and dance. Folks love the groove, but don't listen to what's being said.

You did what was required of you. No drummer could have done better. It doesn't demonstrate your skills, but I'm glad to hear what you did in the studio for this tune.

Sad circumstandes indeed for the rest as the lyrics speak about. Society is eating grass if they don't even realize it. Until you ask me what I really think, I'll remain silent.

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