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Another Video

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1Another Video Empty Another Video Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:42 am



Hi there, this video was my 1st event as a Mapex endorser


And here I`m testing my Black Panther Blade also sponsored by Mapex drums, This snare drum is the best snare I ever have I really recomend it!
This video was filmed while I was having a break on a rehersal from a group I used to work with


Best regards and thanks for whatching



2Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:46 am

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Very Nice, Anibal,

Gran saludo!


3Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:43 pm



Anibal! You are a monster - in the best way! Love it.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

4Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:06 pm



Thank you Suss And Alex, good to hear from you!
All The best!
Anibal Very Happy


5Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:19 am



Of course Ani! Your approach to the kit is very evident - embracing your personality behind the kit among techniques applied to many styles.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

6Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:20 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Drums sound great! That snare is a MOTHER!!!! affraid

7Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:11 am



Thanks Suss a D Slam!
Don, this is another clip I did 2 months ago with the Black Panther Blade... the rimshots are fenomenal...
It works for any kind of music.



8Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:34 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

wolo wrote:Thanks Suss a D Slam!
Don, this is another clip I did 2 months ago with the Black Panther Blade... the rimshots are fenomenal...
It works for any kind of music.


I guess I'm just gonna have to take your word for it on that one Anibal!!!

WHOA NELLIE! affraid

9Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:42 am



LOL! Yep Nephew D., "whoa Nellie!"

You're a phenom Anibal! No doubt about it!... affraid

I hate to meet you in a dark alley unless you had my back!

LOL! Just joking my friend... for real. I'm just being geeky now geek

I love the speed and suspect that you find more than enough "music" to apply it to - especially when you have a solo.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

10Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:10 pm



Thank you Suss!! Very Happy These days I`m working on the Panama Drum Fest 2011, it will be the 4th version of the fest, I`m bringing Gregg Bissonette and the local talents, Its gonna be fun.


11Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:55 am



wolo wrote:Thank you Suss!! Very Happy These days I`m working on the Panama Drum Fest 2011, it will be the 4th version of the fest, I`m bringing Gregg Bissonette and the local talents, Its gonna be fun.

I quote from just one of the many comments made about Gregg Bissionette on You Tube:

Every person is allowed their opinion, and freedom of speech allows me to express this... I did not say that this was not good, and your comment offends me... but you can not say this is not, as musicians say "not musical" ... this means it is very impressive technically, but it is not dynamic, subtle... it is just double bass and technical...

Gregg is cool with me... and I see where you get your left-handed ruffs from Anibal (or they might be right-handed ruffs from the other side of the body.

I enjoyed this track, and disagree with baiting of continued comments. Just hear the guy and appreciate what he does without getting into arguments about what is CLEARLY done.

See how easily someone can graft toward "offense" when not taking the time to listen to applications? Hmmm...

You have fun AniBALL... have a BaLL! Ooops, you're Anibal... Very Happy

P.S. I also notice (which might be an encouragement to some online in this Community, that one must be able to read to succeed! In light of MY comments here in honor to you Ani, there's a balance to strike when one approaches any musical instrument. Don't merely mimic, but CREATE for others to appreciate. Read to Succeed! Nuff said on my part.

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

12Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:36 pm



Hi Suss! cheers
Gregg is great; I`m looking fordward to see the guy playing! The drum fest is going to be great, I`m working every day to get the sponsors and all the logistics, thanks to Mapex drums everything has become very easy, in the past was way more difficult, now sponsors know me and they have thurst in me.
Actually my ruffs ghosting notes come from Gadd, Mike Clark, Frank Katz, Lenny White and Billy Cobham. But what I`ve learned from Gregg Bissonette was to play an 5 against 4 polirhythm in a transcription from a Modern Drummer Magazine of the 80`s I guess it was a Brandon Fields record.

When it comes to reading music, there was a time when my reading was not that good, But nowdays I can read upside down Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy its very important for any drummer to be able to read music to be able to learn material more quickly and to have an structure of the music. take the Louis Bellson 4/4 and read the parts in 80 the quarter note for example lol or read a piano score...reading is not a subject between musicians anymore Sad I guess I`m considered a Shredder with musical education lol but I`m starting singing with a duo that we play acoustic Beatles covers... I`m trying to get the confidence to sing on a gig (takes time)

Once again I`m glad I`m actively back at the forum. I read and see ll the posts..just like in 2006 but I have less free time...
Thanks Suss, cheers cheers


13Another Video Empty Re: Another Video Sat Aug 06, 2011 7:36 am



wolo wrote:Hi Suss! cheers
Gregg is great; I`m looking fordward to see the guy playing! The drum fest is going to be great, I`m working every day to get the sponsors and all the logistics, thanks to Mapex drums everything has become very easy, in the past was way more difficult, now sponsors know me and they have thurst in me.
Actually my ruffs ghosting notes come from Gadd, Mike Clark, Frank Katz, Lenny White and Billy Cobham. But what I`ve learned from Gregg Bissonette was to play an 5 against 4 polirhythm in a transcription from a Modern Drummer Magazine of the 80`s I guess it was a Brandon Fields record.

When it comes to reading music, there was a time when my reading was not that good, But nowdays I can read upside down Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy its very important for any drummer to be able to read music to be able to learn material more quickly and to have an structure of the music. take the Louis Bellson 4/4 and read the parts in 80 the quarter note for example lol or read a piano score...reading is not a subject between musicians anymore Sad I guess I`m considered a Shredder with musical education lol but I`m starting singing with a duo that we play acoustic Beatles covers... I`m trying to get the confidence to sing on a gig (takes time)

Once again I`m glad I`m actively back at the forum. I read and see ll the posts..just like in 2006 but I have less free time...
Thanks Suss, cheers cheers

Gosh, you got it man. I'm so glad to read this attitude from you; and congratulate you on your endorsement with Mapex. Cheers Mate!

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

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