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right drums for the right gig

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1right drums for the right gig Empty right drums for the right gig Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:34 pm



this is kind of in extension to the thread that got talking about drums and the differences in sound qualities.

I did a gig last night and my drums were so loud in the boomy room. I'm wondering what kind of drums, plys and heads might offer me a much quieter kit for these smaller venues?

i'm thinking birch smaller ply with coated single ply heads might be the direction i need to go. any suggestions appreciated, thanks


2right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:02 pm



Evans oil heads will bring your volume down considerably, but still give you some nice tones if tuned well. Give you a Steve Gadd sound.

Maybe some of the Remo black suede heads would do well. Or the fake calf heads will tone it down.

Thin ply shells will have a somewhat quieter volume. A less dense sound chamber for reverberation. Reinforcement rings also tend to quiet a shell down, but not much. Takes away a little sustain.


3right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:33 am

D. Slam

D. Slam

Yes, My suggestion would be to remedy
this issue via the drum heads.

My personal suggestion is that unless you
like a choked sustain on your toms, stay
away from reinforcement hoops.

4right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:57 pm


Well, I have an Oak kit with single ply heads. When coupled with some marching band sticks no P.A. is required.

5right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:58 pm



Asaph is right on the money with his suggestions.

There is a company called ''Earthtone that makes calfskin heads that are less bothered by the weather..
You might want to go that way with it-

I've used these before and they really mellow out the sound and are tunable and musical as well
Here's a link


6right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:50 pm



i was inclined to think like A GRETCH catalina or hip gig type set would be quieter. I guess it really had to do with the room itself. I can play my drums quietly but sometimes a room is just not cooperative.


7right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:55 pm



There's always 7As, or VF Echo sticks. I have the Echos. About as light and quiet as sticks get.


8right drums for the right gig Empty Re: right drums for the right gig Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:54 pm



the bass drum is a huge issue.


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