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Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012

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1Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012 Empty Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012 Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:41 pm


this kit is being sold by Dale's Drum Shop on Ebay for $24,999.00.
It is a one of a kind kit made by Tama Drums for the NAMM 2012 show.

I can't figure out what is the deal with the single headed toms, but is pretty cool anyway.
That price is pretty hilarious, but they do offer free shipping on it...LOL!

Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012 Tama_k11

2Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012 Empty Re: Custom Tama Starclassic NAMM 2012 Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:59 am



Cool Sounds with that fine wood shell.

What a Great Kit.



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