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A George Duke observation.

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1A George Duke observation. Empty A George Duke observation. Tue May 06, 2008 1:22 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

2A George Duke observation. Empty Re: A George Duke observation. Tue May 06, 2008 1:45 pm



Yes Great Comments
but kind of Sad
he will not talk about those Extra Tracks
from the BillyCobham/George Duke Tours '75-76.

George Duke is Multi Talented
but over here JazzFunk in the UK and €urope
is big business.

So his band could be

George Duke/Alphonse Mouzon Jazz Funk Band
David Sancious -2nd Keyboards, Guitars
Welton Gite - Bass
Ray Parker Jr. Guitar
Paulibho Da Costa - Timbales , Congas

All Star World Band.



3A George Duke observation. Empty Re: A George Duke observation. Tue May 06, 2008 11:52 pm



I agree with George in terms of musical taste . . . I've spoken about it, too . . . I prefer a jazz pianist with blues at the core . . . otherwise, something's missing . . . like an open cadence the whole way through a tune . . .


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