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Freedom in Dexterity: Simon Phillips

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1Freedom in Dexterity: Simon Phillips Empty Freedom in Dexterity: Simon Phillips Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:49 am



I've always admire drummers that play open-handed (ride with weaker hand) shows equal levels of dexterity on both hands. I think Simon and, in my opinion, Lenny White does fantastic in that aspect. And of course last but not least, Billy with more power! In fact, just about 912 on the dial Simon plays the 2 floors in a way that reminds me of Billy climaxing on a solo....but Billy pushing more horse power! But I think this take is a great example that characteristically defines Simon Phillips as a performing artist. All necessary ingredients of musicianship that makes for a great drummer: Technique, groove, dynamics, precision patterns (223 on the dial), and the kind of finesse that drives a band in the right direction. And the musicians he's playing with are no push-overs neither. cheers  cheers  cheers

Phillips on Open-Handed playing

On Dynamical playing


2Freedom in Dexterity: Simon Phillips Empty Re: Freedom in Dexterity: Simon Phillips Thu Sep 17, 2015 1:21 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Rac, "riding with the weaker hand." really hasn't
anything to do with open hand playing.  the method
is simply not crossing over the snare drum to play the
hi hat.

This is accomplished by either developing the physical skill
to play this way or by setting up your drum set accordingly.

I play as a right handed person and I'm left handed.  I ride
with the right hand but that's my weaker side.  Therefore,
Whatever side is weaker is of no consequence in determining
the open hand drumming concept.

The thing about Simon is he can play seemingly equally well
from either side where the hands are concerned.

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