I am sure you will prefer these and
here is why I think that:
1. The Trick beater-face is closer to
the stem. You will note that the Boa
beater is positioned further forward.
Unless perfectly aligned, it can strike
the head at an angle, cutting into it.
This is a flaw in the design. It should
be telescoped but is not.
2. The Trick beater telescopes, allow-
ing you to position the board as far
or near to the rim as you like and
a simple turn of the screw will align
the beater face perfectly. You will
also be able to experiment with a
more maximum kick-back.
3. It is so much easier to position
the beater face higher or lower on
the head, which is great for the
change from larger to smaller kicks.
I really think that, once you try
them, you will never use another
beater again.
Please check them out.