boomer wrote: I'm glad somebody's listening out there!
As you ought to be Billy... which brings me to whom I still believe is among my friends.
I'm sorry to hear about the alignment issues - but glad that you are checking in and up on yourself. Our bodies can take a lot of stress, but worse for the wear over the long term if not paying attention. Neglect also affects our mind, motivation and attitude as well. Originally, I thought you were harping on "retirement" meaning that BB just gave up - as attributed to
"unpleasant experiences."
Colin wrote: D. Slam wrote:I've done a lot of studio work and a lot of public performances... I love them both but for me there's nothing like performing before a live audience. It's the ultimate musical experience as far as I'm concerned.
Bill must've had some pretty unpleasent experiences.
You do know for many years Bill was playing real hard electric pads
do you think that could be part of the reason?
But now I notice this comment has been deleted for some reason, except for Colin's insertion. Had it not been for Colin's insertion, I could not refer back to it as I remembered.
So is history. Unless we pay attention to it among relationships, we are destined to repeat it and our negligent mistakes. I love you as a Brother Don... never forget that. I miss our conversations by phone between two "alpha" personalities. You are a great drummer and person whom I've come to know over the last seven years via Billy's forums and our phone conversations. I have yet to see you face to face; yet you enjoy what I employ at my musical hands. Why the silence and obvious neglect? I apologized for my seemingly innocent comment by phone that offended you. Since last Fall I've attempted to reinforce my contrition by emails, etc. Yet you still remain silent. I've done my duty Sir... do yours more in phileo love rather than a seeming challenge in your mind. We both have enough challenges as there are for anyone. Look at a
"glass half full; rather than half empty Nephew." None of us are perfect. I apologize again for whatever offense I unknowingly committed against your pysche... this time publicly among the Elders of Our Community With Skin (and before the True Elders mitigate their FINAL judgment which only One can sentence): Matthew 18:15-20. The healing is found in testimony; and that with veracity/truth. I have tried to do this privately - now it is public: James 5:16. These are well founded principles in life Nephew. Do not be ashamed of them. They direct the course of mankind well beyond what the common eye can see, ear hear or even entering into our limited human hearts' ability to embrace. In fact, these Principles have directed the course of Mankind since the Genesis- only one Man failed to listen AND obey (not the First Woman). Yeah man... this is deep for anyone; I hardly have the energy to type in persistence. What I will say is that the opposite of shame (as Adam displayed) is now pride (as men today display). Sow to the wind (?): Reap the whirlwind. My entire adult and public life speaks to this reality. I am not ashamed of it as you sought me to be by your private email responses and lack of brotherly comfort.
Even now, I must apologize again for those reading this. Over the years Don and I have grown to respect and love each other in spite of forum feuds. I cannot speak for him (and won't), but from my perspective I see a person with so much potential AND kinetic energy. In other words, this man has the goods and the gregariousness. He is among the only few that I identify with musically/percussively on this site. The rest know who you are. All I can (or will) say at this point is that I make it plain and simple. The synergy is lost with Suss unless Slam comes back into fray. This time without bashing but with bounty. Hey Neph! Forget my 'booty" that you saw in the VHS when Billy was last here in ATL during the JID tour "2003!" I don't play that; and neither do you. I just happened to have fallen upon tough times in my life relationally with a woman I loved and with a view toward recovering from it. I will only state this once again: forgive me for my idle comment by phone last Fall, 2008.
But now I shift gears with drum sticks in my hand...
Thanks Boomer for pioneering a whole new vista behind the drum kit (at least for me). IMHO, drummers drive the rhythm more than any instrument, including the piano. True: a true creative pianist has both melodics and rhythm - but then our nature abhors a vacuum: hence the Drummer with that rhythm in any genre of music. Somehow both wind up playing their percussive roles. It is well known that I'm a frustrated keyboardist. I gave this instrument up at the age of 12 after 8 years of study by my Mother's force feeding me. Yet in her love and nurturing, it never left me. I honor her in this regard. Yet none of us are perfect.
I think that with recent advancements in technology (as fast as they have occurred and continue to), the populace is rather slow when keeping up with them. Sadly, the same is with our global society. While global economies these days are abyssed to a depth anyone can fathom from personal experience, there are more meaningful thoughts among artists to consider. Such considerations have been a challenge for me personally - and I make them public for now. Do the same yourself - since in self-discovery a person can find more answers than there are questions waiting to be asked. Hence by my own hands and yet to be completed. This is why I sense Bill Bruford is not over yet, and likely for different reasons in living than from my small perspective. I'm providing a keyboard template here. Work with me and us for the next quarter hour.
The nuclear Guys here will remember me asking a few years ago what the best & affordable e-kit might be available at the time. Dumb question on my part.
How does one strike that balance between "best"
and "affordable?" After weighing my options at the time, I chose to
stick to the proven:
an acoustic instrument. If a trigger pad was not available for additonal color, then bridge the gap by an
additional technique. The results may not sound like expected, but the sticking and sound will wind up beneficial down our musical/artful road:
meaning that when investigating the possibilites, we wind up with more than what we thought. A perfect example is my use of cymbals with the "washing" sound. That was quite by accident during a solo practice session on my own back in the late 60s when I didn't have what I heard in my head. I became intrigued by the sound and believe myself to be the first one to record it on a commercial release back in the mid 70s. Even then when some band/studio mates said they hated it, somehow it has its' role in the music we all put our hands to. That sound is merely a bridge and NOT the destination. That sound plays its' role as a part in our corporate participation in process/progress.
All to often I hear folks saying "I've not done what you've done and I'm not "this, that or the other thing." PLEASE... from what I hear coming from this very small community of "EARS" should ripple the effect onto someone else with the right encouragement. Please guys... understand the motivation, even when very few seem misunderstood.
Again: my thinking is that Bill Bruford only needs some time away from the regimen he's been brought to by the music industry as we've come to know it. May he eventually say "Yes" to music, and "No" to retirement. He still has quite a bit in him to offer.
So do we All with the right attitude.
Keep Stickin'