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Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video

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1Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Empty Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:18 pm


Has anyone ever seen this Mahavishnu Orchestra video from Hunter College 5/15/72?
It looks like pretty rare footage, they are chopped up clips, but awesome quality.
One of the clips shows Billy with a natural wood single bass kit, wow! rare.


2Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Empty Re: Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:23 am



not done by John or Jan or Billy
do not work so well.

I would like to to see a Full uncut track,
then we are in Bliss.



3Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Empty Re: Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:56 am

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

I posted this a few months ago when the video first surfaced on Youtube. The person who put the clip up has been contacted by several people on the One Word list but has not been responsive. I also contacted him. No answer.

After checking with Elliot Sears, original road manager for the M.O. he recalls that there was some filming done by Columbia Records that day but feels it was done for some promotional footage to be used on future projects. In other words, the entire concert was not filmed, and there was no audio done with the video. The concert was broadcast live on WBAI radio N.Y.

What's perplexing to me is the cover that appears at the end of the footage - can't seem to find the answer as to it's origin. It might have been a proposed cover for one of the albums which was never used. I am still trying to discover more about it.

Peace, TED


4Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Empty Re: Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:34 pm


Thanks for the info Ted, that seems to make sense where that footage came from.
I hate when people don't respond to email on YouTube, I had a similar experience
with Jeff Pevar, I wanted to know about the Jazz is Dead footage he posted from 2002.

It doesn't take much to reply to an email, especially when it is written by someone who is
really interested in what they posted.

5Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Empty Re: Mahavishnu 1972 Rare Video Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:42 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

don't feel bad about Pevar. he never responded to me either about the JID footage, which of course I want. Doesn't everybody ? LOL

I just contacted Chris Poisson today about that cover jacket at the end of the video as he is the one who designed Many of the Maha covers. His response was that he has never seen that picture before and it is a mystery to him.

It's not a picture that was used on any of the bootleg albums I 've had for years like Birds of Pray or Bundled Sunspray Demise. that was also one of my thoughts. However the columbia logo in the left corner is what deepens the plot for me. Usually bootlegs make up their own label names and titles and don't try to emulate the real label's logo.

I'm also looking for the complete French TV concert from which one clip has surfaced on youtube so if anyone comes up with that, e-mail me and we'll set up a trade.

Boomer tomorrow night !

Peace, TED


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