I had a gig the other night with my Brazilian group and it was a bit rough around the edges. Lots of technical problems making for a late start. Funny thing was it grooved hard yet was really improvisational and took on a new exciting character. Maybe someone's solo didn't turn out like they wanted but then there would be some unexpected arrangements and surprise solos that were really tight! Everyone in the audience danced and had fun. We talked later and it reminded me of this scientist's talk about how the universe takes your input and then adds something greater than what you could concieve to the mix. To apply that to a band is, sure you want to execute your arrangements and solos perfectly with intention but then there is also this x factor, a wild card thrown in for added depth and excitement. Those heavily rehearsed arrangements are merely a road map for the spaces to be filled in with colors from our experience and also keeping a sense of adventure. The big picture.