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Boomer Tama Superstar Find

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1Boomer Tama Superstar Find Empty Boomer Tama Superstar Find Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:00 am


Boomer recently got back his 1985 Tama Superstar kit from the current owner who gave them back to him.
This kit was featured on the GRP 1985 release WARNING.
I believe he plans on using them this year on the US Tour in the Fall.

Boomer Tama Superstar Find Warnin10

Boomer Tama Superstar Find Billy_12

Colin likes this post

2Boomer Tama Superstar Find Empty Re: Boomer Tama Superstar Find Tue Jun 14, 2022 6:18 am



How Nice to Find that Kit.

Thats was great time
LP /Cassette/ CD

Warning on CD it is Louder
New Label GRP
Great Digital Engineer/Mixer Joel Jorgensen

Thats Bob James favourite Engineer,

I just put CD on,
via a LG 5.1 system
sounds so bright,

Billy Cobham - Tama Drums
Gerry Etkins - Keyboards / Synthesizers
Dean Brown - Guitars
Barone Brown- Bass
Sa Davis - Congas/Percussion

Utter Bliss



3Boomer Tama Superstar Find Empty Re: Boomer Tama Superstar Find Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:21 am


Boomer Tama Superstar Find Cobham10

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4Boomer Tama Superstar Find Empty Re: Boomer Tama Superstar Find Tue Jun 14, 2022 10:29 am


Boomer Tama Superstar Find Cobham11

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