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You guys gotta see this!

Admin (Pete)
D. Slam
12 posters

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1You guys gotta see this! Empty You guys gotta see this! Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:07 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

Billy on the charts, and RIPPIN! Throwing down some syncapated
old school funk beats. With some very involved breaks, twists and
turns. I can't remember Billy ever playing quite like this. True jazz/funk
fusion at it's best!

B, after all these years, you have not ceased to surprise me.
All I could do was laugh out loud and shake my head after watching
this.... Amazing!

Don't know what band this is, but they're smokin!


2You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:56 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

He is the fadda'!!

Thanks, Don!

And thanks, Billy!!



3You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:19 pm



Now that was some great stuff.

4You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:00 pm

D. Slam

D. Slam

spanky wrote:Now that was some great stuff.

Yeah, almost right up there with T.R. Jr., huh, Spanky?! lol! lol! lol!

5You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:57 am


Yeah Don!
I saw this video some weeks ago and love it too!Is it the new B.C Band or was it a one night gig?
ps:I've discovered B.C and marimba plus on youtube too,they are from Russia,Amazing! Peace,Stef

6You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:25 pm



Now that was badass... Twisted Evil

7You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:18 pm



Just watched it again, trying to learn all that I can. Yeah Billy comes through as a mature player Tony is great and I just love his playing. But he has not been around as long as Billy, and he has not experienced life like Billy yet, he has a long way to go. I have noticed that Billy, when playing free style like he was in that video, uses as less energy as possible, while still being very effective. Tony would have used much more energy to do the same thing if he had to play that.

8You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:31 pm



WOW! Thanks Boomer! That was a real treat! And thanks Don, for posting it! cheers

9You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:42 pm



Yeah, almost right up there with T.R. Jr.?

Thanks D for that awesome video clip. I've never seen anyone read charts (like that) like Boomer. Personallly, I think that the sax player lost it towards the end when you would think it felt like it should have ended. Just my opinion. But overall, it was a great piece for sure.


10You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:46 pm



That's very cool! Everybody is having fun it seems! There's another clip of this band playing Stratus and it seems that they are struggeling a little with it...which is a pity if you play it with the man himself! affraid



11You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:29 pm


Made the hairs on my arms raise. cheers

12You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:27 am


Most of the guys in the band I don't know or have met only once before. Peter Weiniger from Berlin is playing tenor saxophone and the tune is his. This project was a three day "tribute" to me where I had to play with different people each day. What you see here is Day 1. Rehearsal was about 3 hours for about 10 tunes that evening, this one being the closer. It was a real throw back to the days when reading under pressure was extremely important as you had to hit the ground running upon arrival starting with setting up the drums, getting levels then 'hittin' it.

13You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:34 am



Re: https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=D1vQ3C6Yl1s

boomer wrote:Most of the guys in the band I don't know or have met only once before. Peter Weiniger from Berlin is playing tenor saxophone and the tune is his. This project was a three day "tribute" to me where I had to play with different people each day. What you see here is Day 1. Rehearsal was about 3 hours for about 10 tunes that evening, this one being the closer. It was a real throw back to the days when reading under pressure was extremely important as you had to hit the ground running upon arrival starting with setting up the drums, getting levels then 'hittin' it.

Yes Boomer! Living by ear alone hasn't cut it for millenia. Splendid illustration demonstrating the dynamics as could only come from you on this forum. I loved it not only because you were on it, but because there are so many others who understand this truth. For me, reading is always about how the music (or material) comes to me and how to understand the intent behind the composition. Whether its the arts or artful expressions among human kind, I'd rather give way for others to express themselves in the context of what everyone is attempting to "SAY."

I've yet to meet anyone in this community aside from Skip some years ago during your Jazz is Dead tour through Atlanta.

When the hearts of many have become deaf to moral principles, may your musical demonstration always illustrate solving the Conundrum / riddle! It really isn't that hard when one applies themselves to just DO IT. The real riddle is to admit that "can't" shouldn't be a part of anyone's vocabulary. Yet your gifts only spawn another's vision Sir. Thank you:

https://bcwtj.forumotion.com/t137-suss-soundscapes = http://www.johnsussewell.com/ConundrumWithSuss.mp3

You're doing this in more ways than you can imagine Billy. May others read with understanding, in spite of ALL of the wisdom each of us are seeking to obtain. Therein is the crux of the matter - as I'm sure you'll agree.

cheers Very Happy

http://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsussewell  http://www.facebook.co

14You guys gotta see this! Empty Re: You guys gotta see this! Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:44 am



Delightful! Are you kidding me? What can possibly be more satisfying than playing music with great musicians?

I cannot read music, and hold super-admiration for those who do, and to watch Billy on this clip is simply goose-bump city. Sheesh, the guy is a dynamo musician.

That was one of the best sax solos I ever heard. I'm not a real fan of sax solos, in general, but this guy could make me one.

Great, great clip. Thanks for posting it.


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