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Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project

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1Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Empty Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Thu Nov 09, 2017 12:38 pm


Boomers latest project will be focusing on the album (WEA 1974) in reflection of the originals through updated arrangements.
There will be two or three new compositions plus favorites like "Red Baron", "Taurian Matador", "Quadrant Four" and "Stratus" to round out the show.

Billy Cobham's Crosswinds Project featuring:
Billy Cobham - drums
Ernie Watts - sax
Martin Scales - guitar
Tim Landers - bass
Scott Tibbs – keys

So far the only US dates are in New York City in April and October next year.




Yes  we had Bill  and Tim
at  London's  Jazz Cafe
in Camden , part of London,
30 Oct 2017

Fantastic  Band.

Great groove,   and top sounds.



Last edited by Colin on Tue Nov 21, 2017 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total

3Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Empty Re: Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:02 pm

Ted E. Bear

Ted E. Bear

It's my understanding that for the New York dates Fareed Haaque will be on guitar. The October dates are going to be the Heroes project with Donald Harrison and Ron Carter.

Here is the youtube link for the Meeting of the Spirits show I attended as well as the Town Hall show the previous night .


Enjoy !




Wow...beautiful pro-shot show, Thanks Ted...!! Very Happy


More USA and Europe dates have been added for this tour, check it out at:


Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Boomer10

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

This is very exciting.
I am very happy the
world will re-exper-
ience this great music!



7Billy Cobham's 2018 Crosswinds Project Empty The Crosswinds Project 2018 Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:47 pm


Hi Everybody:
Sorry for not checking in more here. I really have no excuses past the usual stuff like doing more in a day than I can handle, lack of sleep, sleeping too much, searching for the right snare drum sound and consistently failing in that regard, Trying to get better in performance by thinking of the ultimate short cut to achieve that goal but, no success yet, recording material that I am still not happy with and last but not least, health issues.........That stuff happens when we get older so, at least in my case it's unavoidable.
2018 promises to be a very musically lucrative year for me and my work if I can just stay on top of my game physically and mentally to turn this promise and commitments into reality. The Crosswinds Project is set to launch in the USA next week as you already know with Paul Hanson (bassoon and soprano sax), Scott Tibbs (keyboards), Fareed Haque (guitars) and Tim Landers (bass) on hand to support me. We will be performing just about all of the music from Crosswinds and much more so, don't hesitate to stop by and check out this repertoire as and when you can.
I expect to record visually and sonically bits from sound checks and some shows if granted permission at some venues. These will be released here on this forum for discussion with a key word topic that I will "table" to share. I will be exploring certain ideas that I have been working on in performance and wonder what you might think of them from all aspects musical. If I have my way, we will have a good time with me in the hot seat to dissect. OK more later and all the best.

BC (Boomer) Very Happy

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