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Suss' Soundscapes

D. Slam
Ted E. Bear
Harris K.
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76Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:39 pm



At first listen, the standout track for me is April Means Goodbye. It's the most timeless. I wonder what/who decided to keep it so brief, making it all the more poignant.

Production quality on the some of the other pieces might benefit from a digital remix to add clarity. I wonder if the original individual tracks are still available for use. But April has a good production sound.

This 1980 stuff arrives at my inbox as I listen again to what Stevie Wonder put out that year, Hotter Than July. I'm about halfway through this 1980 documentary: https://youtu.be/MnccZm4uw_M

A nice sister song to April Means Goodbye might be Stevie's unreleased I Can See The Sun In Late December:


77Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:22 pm



woofus wrote:At first listen, the standout track for me is April Means Goodbye. It's the most timeless. I wonder what/who decided to keep it so brief, making it all the more poignant.

Production quality on the some of the other pieces might benefit from a digital remix to add clarity. I wonder if the original individual tracks are still available for use. But April has a good production sound.

This 1980 stuff arrives at my inbox as I listen again to what Stevie Wonder put out that year, Hotter Than July. I'm about halfway through this 1980 documentary: https://youtu.be/MnccZm4uw_M

A nice sister song to April Means Goodbye might be Stevie's unreleased I Can See The Sun In Late December:

Woofus, Stevie's "Can See..." is so sensitive and on the lyrical mark! Yes, Timeless as well - because of the lyrics. That's my old friend Ollie Brown on drums. He's a real estate broker now. The last time I saw him was in Den Hague, Holland, when he was there gigging and I was with Kokomo. We've lost touch these days over the course of time - that happens. In the meantime,...

... Dennis phoned me last week and said that the master tapes of the entire project were recovered from the original iron oxides (which had to be baked to excite the electrons). So yes, the original tracks are intact for a digital re-mix in honor of the late Nick Brignola. Everyone participating on these tracks have given their permission for previews. It's only Nick's widow who must provide permission for the manufacturing and marketing of the project commercially.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It obviously has touched my heart and this forum is the only place where I've showcased my involvement because of the reason why the forum exists: to share the musical elements among drummer musicians.

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78Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:20 pm



Suss wrote:Thanks Woody. Glad you enjoyed it. I notice you didn't mention the less agressive tracks. Is there a reason for that? Just asking: Rolling Eyes

No reason, John. It's all good.


79Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:11 pm



Woody wrote:
Suss wrote:Thanks Woody. Glad you enjoyed it. I notice you didn't mention the less agressive tracks. Is there a reason for that? Just asking: Rolling Eyes

No reason, John. It's all good.

Thanks my friend... I'm not perfect! (at least not Yet! LOL!).

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80Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:40 pm



A friend of mine living in Brooklyn, NY, is doing very well after his kidney transplant. He’s a versed musician/bass player and song writer. Norbert Sloley knows that I offered my kidney to him, but my blood type was not his own.

In the meantime, he received his organ after waiting a number of years on a waiting list: going through dialysis was excruciating for him, as we all can only imagine. I mean the guy has so much life and when he was performing with Noel Pointer (flute), and visiting Atlanta back in the 80s, he shared with me how he was being “Called” to the ministry. That Calling is something that neither he nor I can describe today except through the music and those who appreciate there being NO distinction between traditional “clergy” and “lay-persons.” The key for anyone is recognize that whatever Gifts/Talents we have, they are to recognize, receive and respond to It.

I quote from the WTJ side to make a point here…

Suss wrote:
D. Slam wrote:No damage at-tall, Uncle John... Cool

I'm glad to hear this coming from you Nephew Don!

It'd be hard to resurrect this artifact of mine though - I pulled this Simmons Portakit out again just to play on resilient "pads" and not make noise. Shocked

Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 SussSimmonsPortaKitMidi

There are many songs on the Byte Side using this trigger contraption with a Korg S-3 sound module. As I trust you'll agree, it's nothing compared to an actual drum kit when mike'd properly...

... yet today when speaking with a pastor in NYC, Norbert Sloley prompted this song to send to him. He's not playing bass on this as he's done with many people till today:



My point is that just continue to do what you do in the freedom and liberty afforded you. When some think that I wallow in misery, I don’t do that. Rather, I simply relish the music and am still creating it. It doesn’t matter if some achieve industry status or a top-40 realm. What matters is that we put our minds into the music we are motivated to perfect so that others can/will appreciate the results. [that’s probably the motivation that “Simon” had when he envisioned “American Idol,” beginning in the U.K. Gosh = how I hated (did not prefer) to watch “American Idol” with its’ off-spring“reality” shows.

Great idea though. Hmmm!

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81Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:48 pm



As many attentive know, I'm on Facebook. I haven't been on MySpace for months.

After speaking with a few of my British friends by phone, this song was sent to me via that connection. I've been waiting to hear what was done back when CBS Records International should have renewed our contract for my 2nd album with Kokomo (via the studio and not Live):


"Man Made Laws" written by Frank Collins, performed by Kokomo as a demo, never made it to an album.
Drums - John Sussewell
Bass - Alan Spenner
Guitar - Neil Hubbard
Sax - Mel Collins
Lead vocal & Rhodes - Tony O'Malley
B/Vs - Frank Collins, Dyan Birch & Paddie McHugh

I think with careful thought that there's a deeper meaning beyond my SoundScapes. G-d figure while we try to in our meager efforts. In the meantime, I pronounce His Name, while respecting that others don't out of reverence to Him.

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82Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:07 pm



One of those deeper meanings is what Nick Ashford sings with Ashford & Simpson. A close associate of Nick & Val phoned me after I left a simple voice mail. "Tee" said to me that out of all of their messages through their home office, the sentiment was to phone me back. It didn't take 24 hours...

Nick is only asleep now; and during the time spent on the phone, Tee and I spoke about how so many things seem to go wrong when human beings are only seeking to enjoy our company and community: no matter how diverse we are from various backgrounds. Then all of a sudden, the song "Ain't It A Shame" came up...

... during that context, I learned for the first time that Nick & Val had demo'd this tune at a studio on Madison Avenue in NYC. From that rendering came the "chart" that I played to for the actual album. There is no way for me to say that I was humbled by having recorded the album with this Team (Ashford & Simpson).

I think what Tee was saying is that there's a time and place for folks just to be real and project your own personality behind whatever instrument is played. For me it is drums and keyboards. Even more importantly, don't be a hard ass; just be real. You gain more with honey than with bitter salt by itself.


Hopefully, this will bring some personal perspective on what is most important in spite of ourselves.

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83Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Sep 04, 2011 1:25 pm




I believe! I believe that no matter what anyone is going through, we bring out our best in times of struggle.

A very wise person said to me that if in THIS LIFE you're not ready for the struggle, then don't pick a fight. You will lose when finding yourself on the wrong side... and that with Skin!

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84Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:31 am



Re: http://www.johnsussewell.com/BrazilianRestitution-NeilNickDennisNorbert&SussCollaboration1980-2003.mp3
[in context with https://bcwtj.forumotion.com/t1218p45-mike-mangini#8639 on the WTJ side of this forum]

It is my firm belief that by studying what everybody does, we learn in the process. Though I played orchestral drums and rock music before meeting Billy Cobham personally (and that while still in college), meeting Boomer changed my life. But you Guys & Gals already know that story.

Someone said earlier that I don’t put my “signature” on any particular music. Well, I understand while politely differing. As far as I know, I’m the first drummer to “sign” the cymbal flame and recording it on well distributed commercial music. Like so many so-called “new” techniques when first heard, other folks will look at you and say “what was that?” Yet when realizing a beat wasn’t dropped, it was merely moving the music forward by another texture than technique. In other words, it was/is producing another sound augmenting the music rather than detracting from it. They’ll [the detractors and wall flowers will] get use to it… don’t let anyone steal what you hear and embrace in your heart as a Dream. You’ll hear this technique here with music appropriate to this website. I first recorded it with Donny Hathaway back in 1973 – LIVE. Donny loved it. Since then, I’ve learned to use it gingerly – especially with ballads.

What I also remember well before Pete Corona decided to put up this surrogate site, the original website had a forum very similar to this. For me, this was back in 2002. Somewhere in 2003 someone in this community offered the opportunity to collaborate on music and dedicate a tribute to Billy Cobham by our contributions to his musical life and his inspiration to us all. I believe I’m the only one to follow through with that dedication and with evidence and others who are members today. If I’m wrong, I apologize.

My collaboration was with Neil Loughran – also known as “Spin.” So that you know, Neil/Spin earned his Doctorate and moved away from England to Sweden.

Then somewhere in this mix of years and musical influences, I was sent a track by Dennis Bell in New York City. Just before I moved south with the woman I’d wind up spending 20 years with, I recorded this tune dubbed “Mars Aflame.” My dear friend Norbert Sloley is on bass, Dennis on keyboards and the late Nick Brignola on all reed instruments.

The above referenced track is the segue of both collaborations.

My point is to record your endeavors – because unless you don’t, there will be someone else trying to rewrite your history. I still “kick,” yet somehow I find pleasure in playing simply rather than fan-faring for show. Yep, I can do that “show!” [Carnival Cruise line through Jonathan Crispo turned me down back in 2006 because I auditioned over a doggone phone line with a full acoustic set – PHONE LINE AUDTION?], but then in my experience I’ve found that unless properly rehearsed, the other musicians on stage forget where the ONE is – and I’m the one keeping musical time!

Isn’t it like that in Life when so many forget whom another is and comparing each other by each other? This is not wise.

Just do what you do and enjoy it. Thank you all for your encouragements to anyone.

So where is that collaboration we were wanting to do many years ago in tribute to Billy Cobham. I know who my Father is – and it isn’t Boomer, with all respect to Billy.

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85Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:52 am



Just reconcile the differences between what you see in the mirror and what you are as others see you with Skin.

By my own musical endeavors behind the keyboard and not drums. My friend Kenneth Morris provides the lyrical and epic words to our collaboration:



Need I sustain more grief for lost relationships? No. This song was written by me when I was being encouraged by the Spirit of the Living God. Ken got a hold of it and put my sentiment to what you hear. Thank you Augustus.

For those who won't hear, then remain a legend in your own mind. We're all fine and okay, yet that working class mentality is well below what Nick & Valerie (Ashford & Simpson) meant when I recorded this with them:


Tell the Truth with facts supporting the evidence.

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86Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:30 pm





Life is not a utopia, but a struggle in a world where foes should forgive! Our music is born out of His inspiriting. That Truth is known as inspiration, while so many eek out an existence under false pretenses.

We kill meat for food and sow seeds for vegetables as if some divine being allowed us to do these things? Yes HE did. And I’m a meat eater and proud of those who know how to do what apparently must be done. Yet look at the reasons why!

Look @ your compass – which direction does it point. It points North! It doesn’t point South. Look at the stars and most are lost and imperceptible. See the constellations and navigate your life on the One who created this universe – while scientists, astrophysicists, and astrologists are still trying to figure it out. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you can’t see it – yet I do give a horse’s mane to manicure it.

Just accept [and align] what you see; hear and touch without exception. Pilots fly and think they are touching the face of God! No they aren’t – we’re only touching our own skin even if we’ve been to the Moon. Then and only then will you solve the conundrum.

It would be beneath me to attribute any confusion to this which I did not create. I’m only in the process like Everyone. I’m merely a messenger among Many.

Keep stickin’ IN and not out.

By the way – I’d love to have some of Woody’s venison!

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87Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:25 am



Keep sticking and be loyal. Religion is not the love of God in relationship.

Relationship means to acknowedge our walk without excluding another person because of their opinions about an entity unknown in the first place.

Get back to the "ONE," both in time and space and you'll discover how to play your instruments.

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88Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Tue May 08, 2012 3:26 am



My Joy is to the world that I’m in but not of…

We all have desires and needs. Yet in the vacuum of religious sentiment, we tend to forget that our emotions don’t dictate an outcome. Personally, I’m as sensitive as the next person – yet at once I cannot live by another person’s expectation. It is by Yeshua Hamasiach that I live, move and have my being as a sentient offspring. [Acts 17]. My savior (healer/deliverer) has pointed me to his Father Yehovah, who is “ God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us…” {Acts 17:24-27; KJV]

So if I seem uneven or convoluted and obtuse to some, its only because I see myself in a mirror – not forgetting what manner of person I am when seeing my own self in His Light or another person’s shadow.

Herein is my Joy To The World when my webhosting firm is still suffering technical difficulties on their end. “For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. [James 1-25; KJV]

[url=http://www.thejazznetworkworldwide.com/music/playlist/edit?id=1974321%3APlaylist%3A136289 ]http://www.thejazznetworkworldwide.com/music/playlist/edit?id=1974321%3APlaylist%3A136289 [/url]


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89Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:28 am



Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Dhathawy&amardin


Recorded "live" at Hampton Rhodes Coliseum (June, 1973) with:

Donny Hathaway (vocals, keys)
Gil Silva (guitar)
Leslie "Chuggy" Carter (congas)
Basie Saunders (bass)
John Sussewell (drums)

Thanks to my journalist/musicologist friend Joachim Betrand (Paris, France) for recently sending these to me.

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90Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:51 pm



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91Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:53 pm



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92Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:06 pm



Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 SpunkyChinatown

In between tours, I returned to New York just in time to work with:

Eddie Goicuria (guitar)
Rick Taylor (bass & author of this song)
Danny Lattuca (Hammond B3)
Moi on drums.

c. 1975 but only heard for the 1st time via a Facebook contact in 2014.


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93Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:35 pm



Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Dhathawy&amardin

... rather fast along with the iron oxide recording tape must have worn out over the years without the possibility of recovery. Anyhow, the engineers (wherever) chose to fade it in on the latter part of the tune as recorded with the crew @ Hampton Rhodes Coliseum, Hampton, Virginia (USA) back in the day.

Now that I'm back in the City area again after 24 years of not living here, ... well by the Grace of God the SussQuatch has returned and out of the woods. Heck... I wasn't hiding in the first place. Its just that most didn't know where to look.  Razz Very Happy 



Kindly compare the Hampton version above with the Carnegie Hall recording where my Ludwig Speed King Pedal broke a spring.


Just sayin'

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94Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:17 pm




I'm putting this on the BYTE side because it is sound byte of what I recently experienced at a rehearsal studio in New York City.  I cannot begin to share how wonderful it was to see the faces of personal friends after over 39 years of playing, performing and recording with them.

This particular tune was written by Rick Taylor.  And when in NYC back in 1972, we played this for the first time together. It took a few years for Eddie G. to get involved.

Rick Taylor - and who flew in from Texas for this reunion.  The rest of the lineup is:
Danny Lattuca / keyboards
David White / guitar; playing but not seen
Eddie Goicuria / guiatr; the guy with the cap
John Sussewell; yours truly on drums.

We only had three hours to come in, jam and then leave.  It was time well spent and thank God that we're ALL still here.  We're going to do this again, but this evening was merely Jammin!

Lattuca set up the vid cam and we just started playing after EVERYONE tuned up.  Of course, certain aspects of the arrangement, solos and improv was left up to chance.  I hadn't played this song with these guys since the early 70s; so naturally I made a few flubs myself.  Hey, if it isn't fun, then why do it???

Some might complain about tuning being out of whack, but I assure you that when in that very small room, it didn't sound as if anyone was out of tune on their guitars.  Even my drum kit was what MusicMakers provided.  All I had to do was bring my stick bag.  Whew!

There's another guy that I've known for decades who unfortunately arrived 30 minutes late.  His name is Leslie (Chuggy) Carter on congas.  Both he (Chuggy), David White and I toured with the late Donny Hathaway.  Anyone who should know, knows Mr. Hathaway.  I'll attempt to post a few other tunes that we had fun with from my Facebook account.  But for now, here's Bonnie's Gorilla - mistakes and all.

P.S.  This is a true story.  After I graduated college, Danny Lattuca & David White moved to New York and stayed with me in Bayside, Queens. We would often rehearse on my Mom's screened in back patio.  One evening a particular neighbot called the cops to have us stop the "noise."  But when the cops came, they wanted us to play another song before making us shut it down for the evening.  Bonnie's Gorilla was the tune we played for them... and then we went to bed.  True story.

Last edited by Suss on Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

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95Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:48 pm



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96Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:59 pm




Oye como va!

Rrrrr, sabor!
(Rrrrr, Flavor)

Oye como va, mi ritmo
Bueno pa' gozar, mulata
(Listen to my rhythm
Good for fun, mulata-
A woman of mixed race)

Oye como va, mi ritmo
Bueno pa' gozar, mulata
(Listen to my rhythm
Good for fun, mulata)

Oye como va, mi ritmo
Bueno pa' gozar, mulata
(Listen to my rhythm
Good for fun, mulata)

Oye como va, mi ritmo
Bueno pa' gozar, mulata
(Listen to my rhythm
Good for fun, mulata)

In a global society one must learn many languages and cultures.


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97Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:49 pm

Admin (Pete)

Admin (Pete)

Suss ever, ever since!!

Little Ghetto Boy (do they
still make jeans that tight?!)
and that Spunky!!



98Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:13 pm



Quite unexpectedly, Danny Lattuca (keyboards) on the recent vids I posted has been in the hospital.

Kindly lift him up in your prayers and thoughts... as I and many others lift each other up when notified of our challenges with LIFE these daze.

I believe that God is real and that in spite of our imperfections we can be "complete" [perfect] in that entity.

Stay strong and prosper... even as your soul prospers.

Exclamation study cheers

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99Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:52 pm



Admin (Pete) wrote:Suss ever, ever since!!

Little Ghetto Boy (do they
still make jeans that tight?!)
and that Spunky!!


Thank you Admin Pete...

Laughing If my jeans got any tighter, I wouldn't be able to relieve myself without struggling with the zipper or belt. Laughing

Yeah, Spunky was back in the 70s.  I played it more aggressively then.  Yet for the reunion, I laid back just to hear everyone again.

If everyone was in the room again tomorrow, it'd be even more aggresively the third time around.


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100Suss' Soundscapes - Page 4 Empty Re: Suss' Soundscapes Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:28 pm

Alex Sanguinetti

Alex Sanguinetti

Just seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m36j8NzW3I&feature=youtu.be , very nice and CREATIVE!




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